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Jonathan Walliser

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Everything posted by Jonathan Walliser

  1. I agree with you there
  2. convince me that there are not atheists or christians who are so dogmatic about what they believe that they become close minded? You cannot provide me any evidence of that because I could easily go on youtube and find you many examples of each one. I agree that all atheists are not like this and not all christians are, but the ones that are happen to be the ones that everyone hates
  3. Atheism is not a religion in the traditional sense I agree. But for many who are militant atheists they turn to science and make it their main argument and suddenly "science" is their entire belief system. I get tired of that, people that parade science in from of them as a shield that deflects and attacks from religion. Science can not give answers one way or another to spiritual/metaphysical matters, and atheists who try to use science to do that just makes me laugh. There is no way to know if "God" exists, the entire idea of God is irrational. If God was real I am sure that he/she would show up and settle the debate for everyone. What I consider a religious belief is when someone believes in something so strongly they shut out conflicting or new information and defend what they believe tooth and nail. I do not think someone who is very intelligent would do that, having your worldview shattered is part of intelligent growth. I see this dogmatic and close minded type of behavior from both camps, religious people and atheists. I am myself an atheist, but I question much and do not make a easy convert to anything lol
  4. I was in the Navy from 2007 to 2012, and I am glad I did it. I saw first hand what is going on though I managed to never go to Iraq or Afghanistan because I did not want to be put in the position to take the life of people I considered innocent. Its a gamble to join now, since you never know what new wars could be started and lots of lives could be lost very quickly, on both sides. I love the education benefits I have now its awesome. You will be alone for the most part with your political views since most of the people in the military are state loving drones. Its a long time to commit, I cant say "yeah go for it!" but I would not judge you at all since many join simply for the chance at getting a proper education and want nothing to do with the war. And its simple, those who think they are being forced to pay taxes that fund the war can just make less money where they cant be taxed, its that simple.
  5. exactly!! Most people do not like considering uncomfortable things, they like their routine, even if they hate their jobs they do not want to go as far as question the entire system. I think part of it has to do with their low IQ, they do not let anything threaten their cherished belief system or worldview, so when they hear "conspiracy theorist" or "Anarchist" they immediately check out and cannot give any more intelligent conversation. Its a rare person that will engage you in a good chat and be open minded about it all. With most people I have to give them a quick education on what anarchism actually is, and after that I explain the problems with state run society and give them examples of societies that are not state run, mostly indigenous cultures which have existed for tens of thousands of years without any problem, as well as more modern examples.
  6. Wow this is a great thread!! There is no limit to the ways you can drop weight! I am 5 ft 9 in and I weigh around 215 now, 2 months ago I weighed 230 lbs. I had a life of sitting around and eating junk food and almost no exercise, but now I am changed that and I go running most days, between 2 miles and upwards of 10 miles. Just stick with somewhat healthy foods, dont binge eat, and you will see steady progress. The key is not making a radical change you cant maintain, you will eventually put all the weight back on if you try something you cant keep up. Of course you can take on a radical diet and combined with exercise you will drop the weight extremely fast, and you can then put in place your long term eating plan and exercise routine, which will keep you at whatever physical condition you desire. I am losing weight right along with you bro so hit me up anytime! I got about 40 more lbs to lose before I am the weight I want to be
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