Hello FDR community, first poster here and big fan of Stefan Molyneux's podcast.
I come from a Muslim family, and all my life I claimed to be a Muslim, even though in retrospect, this was not true. I did not follow the five pillars of Islam, nor have I ever read the qu'ran or ever prayed. A few weeks ago, before Ramadan came a long, I realized that I never really believed or had interest in Islam or any other religion for that matter. This is the second time I renounce my faith. The first time, I was 15 (now 18), but felt so guilty that I started believing again. Though, I have noticed from both cases that a series of bad events have occurred after I decided I was an atheist or agnostic. I have one side of my body telling me it's just me feeling guilty, and one side telling me it's god giving me a sign.
Has this happened to anybody else?