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Everything posted by Abolitionist
I have two ideas.Fight the good fight.orGive up.Now the reason I feel like giving up is because I don't know if everyone is capable of anarchism. I understand that me and many others are going to be able to live like that and its best. However the sheep can't. And this is why we have government and violence. Reading Nietzsche will really give you the perspective you need (lol perspectivism and lol pick any perspective you want) about the herd and how they can't think. I think this is a very real reality of realness.The reason we have conformity (comfortity) is the reason we have obesity. Its an outdated script that is running in the bell curve that hasn't adjusted to modernity. This is also the same problems with feminism and trying to change women's nature to see men as human beings and pick the men who are good fathers rather than the alpha types.So all in all we have a self reinforcing system that can't really be changed. Unless we get eugenics and start mass producing women who pick the right men I don't see it happening. With the state, the state just encourages women to pick the wrong men so society will only become more dysfunctional and violent.And even if you want to say NAWALT and some women get better with self knowledge, the amount that do is so small it doesn't matter, and the entire system is set out to reward women for doing evil. Its not just spanking, its the selection of guys, etc.Basically we need to alter evolution to accelerate or skip forward to modern times, or find a way to get everyone to have self knowledge. Reducing child abuse increases IQ and prevents dysfunction, destroying feminism will make women behave properly due to social repercussions, and destroying the state will make women have to behave properly due to financial and social repercussions. Right now women are absolutely out of control. Imagine if we let men do whatever they want? Would be a really horrible world right? Well that's what we are letting women do right now and its having massive consequences. But since we irrationality treat women better b/c of the biologically outdated value of the womb, we are acting under false pretenses.I actually think the best solution would be to develop a drug to suppress the male sex drive or eliminate it temporarily like a reverse viagra. This would force women to actually be decent I think. Women just have way too much power right now and its completely undeserved. Evolution is too slow.First it was likeOld environment -> Old Female Behavior -> Old Male Behavior = AdaptiveThen it was like (current day)New environment -> Old Female Behavior -> Old Male Behavior = MaladaptiveNow its likeNew environment -> New Female Behavior -> New Male Behavior = AdaptiveYou can always control men. Because you can kill men and throw them in jail where they can't have sex, but the womb is so important that you can never stop female bad behavior, or very little. Even with an artificial womb men's biology wouldn't change nor would women's (at least not for a long long time).Anyway this is why I think anarchy isn't possible and how all the ideas interrelate. I hope I don't have to say "this isn't an attack on women" or that type of stuff on this forum, but as this is my 2nd post I will say it. Its not women's fault they are like this, but if we want a better world for everyone including women and especially kids, this is what I see needing to happen. It really is like Ubermesnch.... from ape to man, and from man to Ubermensch I teach you the Overman! Mankind is something to be overcome. What have you done to overcome mankind?All beings so far have created something beyond themselves. Do you want to be the ebb of that great tide, and revert back to the beast rather than overcome mankind? What is the ape to a man? A laughing-stock, a thing of shame. And just so shall a man be to the Overman: a laughing-stock, a thing of shame. You have evolved from worm to man, but much within you is still worm. Once you were apes, yet even now man is more of an ape than any of the apes. -Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
- 51 replies
Can everyone be rich?
Abolitionist replied to afterzir's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Can everyone be the 1%? Obv no.Has wealth increased over time due to technology? Obv yes.Does everyone have to be equal to have all needs and most wants met? No. When technology allows it, and govt doesn't get in the way.I mean would you want equality + poverty? or inequality + high standard of living, its pretty obvious how little economic equality means. -
Instead of a mugger I think the mafia is a better analogy. The mafia doesn't use violence directly like a mugger would (unless it has to, it mainly relies on threat, which is why its more profitable), but it leans on the store owner to pay protection money aka taxes. The store owner can say no and get killed or have its place burned down, windows constantly broken, or just have a guy in the mafia scare away customers. We know this is immoral and force. Whether the store owner agrees or not, the mafia is evil and trying to exert pressure to steal. And in the case of the state there is no higher authority to appeal to, at least with the mafia there are WPP's and police etc.We could also use the "What is justice?" argument from The Republic. Justice is paying your debts (taxes). So is it just, if a man lent you his knife, to give it back to him when he is going to kill someone? No obviously not. And we know the state kills people and uses the money to do evil. This argument would probably sink better into liberals while the previous would work better towards conservatives. Always make sure your arguments fit the person, you have to work with what they don't like already to show them how the state does evil against them. This means argue anti drug war and anti war to the liberals, and argue taxation and abortion and welfare to the conservatives. But yes, its still voluntary to give the knife back.Basically it is a choice. But regardless of it being a choice the state is evil because it will use violence against you. We accept the choice because it is the only way to get rid of the evil, by staying and fighting (mentally). So yes it is mutually beneficial to us, the business, and the state, to all work together. But the state is a violent parasite. It is evil. And we would be better off without it. This is why Stefan says "don't take up guns against the state" because you really can't win.I mean imagine if someone told abolitionists that they agree to slavery because they support it through taxes. Basically a Jew in a Nazi concentration camp using Nazi services, so they must support it and it must be good for them. The solution isn't to leave or to fight with violence, the solution is basically slave morality, since you are too weak and unable to fight, you must work in other ways to gain power.What are your choices? There are no countries to escape too. You can't go in the ocean or on it (although this is an idea and why offshore banks exist), you cant really go in nature because you are still on government land, you can't go to Antarctica or the moon because you can't survive. If you go black market that is the same because if you get caught then you risk violence by government (not to mention violence in black market). So there are no choices any sane person would pick (I know there are a few exceptions).I don't know how watertight this is, but I do think its voluntary to trade with taxes (I could be wrong), but the state is still evil and uses threats and force and is not necessary. So yes we choose to pay taxes so we can stay in society and someday have freedom for everyone including the 99% majority who wants to kill us for being peaceful..... In this video he says "its unconscionability" due to power disparity between the state and the people, so we should use that argument. I'm really tired so I hope this makes sense.