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  1. Matt, appreciate you digging these up from the archives for me. By all appearences this seems to be exactly what I am looking for. I'll check it out. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the helpful input, but what I was really interested in is any specific works (podcasts, presentations, books) in which Stef discusses this alternative approach in detail, if you happen to recall any specifically (which I know may be difficult considering the vast size of the archive). The reason is I always thought academia and politics were good ways to move the ball forward for libertarians, or at least mitigate the State. And if you asked me if it was productive to accept Christian funding, I may have agreed. Now I see error in spending time/effort/resources towards these things, and also error in the way in which I am discussing liberty with others. I have gathered some important pieces to the alternative approach (many described above) while listening these many months, was just wondering if there was a piece or two out there in the archive or on youtube, one of the books, in which Stef outlines the big picture, "how do we get from here, to there" and similarly "what are the reasons the approach would be effective"?. Or maybe I will call in and ask, but didn't want him to repeat himself if this is something that has been covered many times over the years (or maybe even fairly recently considering I'm not able to listen to 100% of all FDR material daily, I may have missed it).
  3. After many months of reading and listening to as much Stefan Molyneux as possible, and experiencing several life altering mind bombs, I incorrectly assumed there were very few ginormous mind bombs left in the FDR arsenal. And than I read 'How Not to Acheive Freedom'. After finishing, I found myself thirsting for the answer to 'How DO We Acheive Freedom'? I gather this is the first in a series on 'Acheiving Freedom', and it appears there is not yet a second volume . I'm a newb, but I think it's safe to assume that Stef proposes possible alternate strategies in pieces over the years. Do any 'FDR vets' have suggestions on some good material I can check out in the vast FDR archives on this topic, "What is the best strategy for us to acheive a free society?" (Note: A very good video I watched this morning which was related to this topic of adjusting our strategy to converting others in our discussions with statists, was a presentation of Stef's called 'Ending the State in 30 Days" at Freedom Summit 2010.)
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