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Everything posted by chrispy

  1. Hey everybody, I've got to the point where I'm listening to FDR on a daily basis. I'm really benefiting from it and as well as enjoying it. My question is, besides Stefan, what other philosophers do you listen to or read? I'm also watching Adam Kokesh. I'd like to have a diverse stream of philosophers to learn from rather than just one source. Thanks!
  2. I'm a Front-end developer and designer and have doing it for since I was 13. The demand for web designers/developers is really high and I honestly can't see it slowing down any time soon. Here are some recourses if you want to start learning online: Treehouse Code School Lynda All three of these are paid and can get a bit pricey. But they are really high quality and they teach you what you really need to know. Hope it helps!
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