Hello everyone!
At first I just wanted to say that I'm 21 and live in Poland. This is my first serious topic. Yea, I am a little nervous.
I'll surely introduce myself in correct category soon but I just wanted to ask about this first. My english is not best so feel free to correct me anytime.
To make things clear I just want to give you a little background. I grew up in environment where hitting children is seen as,
well, maybe officially bad at least in the media but well who cares... if your child do something really bad or at least parent thinks that way - beat the shit out of this little guy till he will learn his lesson.After couple of chats with my friends in my age(21) I am afraid almost all of them thinks that way.
The main argument of course is "well, I was hit as a child/teenager and I'm fine".So to the main topic: My two close friends are expecting a baby. Of course it is a 'surprise' baby, but they and their parents seems to be really happy about it.
He is in my age 21 and she's 20. As far as I know he wasn't abused by his parents but she had abusive religious mother that hit and threat heroften as a child. We discuss frequently about free market and morality behind it. There are of course some wallsbut I think they are really open minded persons.And there goes my question:What is the best way to introduce them to peaceful parenting? What arguments might be best?In what manner I can show them how important it is, considering our environment and silence approval of hitting children.