I have a problem with the idea that atheism is a "non-belief," because framing the discussion that way presumes that non-belief is possible. Which is to say, it presumes that it is possible for certain ideas to be beyond doubt. I disagree with this concept, firstly because to my mind it seems logical that doubt is omnipresent in all human thought, even if it goes unacknowledged - there is no knowledge or idea that is so true as for it to be universally and completely impossible to be wrong. But more than that, I find this proposition disturbing, because real truth - absolute, inviolable, universal truth that is completely beyond all doubt - such as the "truth" implied in the stament "atheism is a non-belief" - is possibly the one and only thing that could be used as a reasonable justification for the initiation of force. Any person or group claiming it, therefore, is automatically not just suspect in my eyes, but quite frankly dangerous.
Now, atheism as a form of "minimal belief"? Atheism as an outlook/worldview that takes as it's goal the minimization of "leaps of faith"? Atheism as a type of skepticism, where the lack of belief in the idea of God or other deities/supernatural beings/forces is couched in a (very logical) lack of evidence? That makes total sense to me, and I completely get it. I may not necessarily choose to share that worldview myself, but I completely understand it and respect it.