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Dwain Dibley

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  1. OH geez I'm sorry I didn't realize that you would consider a response suggesting that you use a tool called "extrapolation" to arrive at a conclusion, would somehow infer that you were posting an "extrapolation". I humbly apologize for my piss poor communication skills.... Government, banks, central banks, fractional reserves, credit/debt, are the foundational basis of capitalism. **"Capitalism" is the strawman in your argumentation. I'm simply suggesting you stop using it. It's called "being of like mind" and it didn't require an adherence to ideology to achieve. I understand the meaning of the words "fiat" and "voluntary". Context missing. ------------------ OK, how do I get it to stop combining separate posts?
  2. Oh that's rich! I'm a "moral relativist" because I don't use UPB to flexibly gauge the morality of any given situation, which I'm free not to use if I choose not to...... OK.......you guys are some funny people
  3. I've attached nothing, I'm merely revealing what was already there. That's a false assertion. You're a man digging a hole with a stick, period, end of story. There is absolutely nothing capitalistic about it.There is no credit being generated, no financial capital being invested, no government sanctioned incorporation, no stocks, no derivatives, no speculation.....You're just a man digging a hole with a stick..... Wrong again, see above... Have you ever picked up and read a book on economics? Go visit Mises.org, they'll explain the capitalist system to you. I can guaran-damn-tee you, it has absolutely nothing to do with a man digging a hole with a stick.Strip away the layers of emotionalized bulshit and look at the reality of it. Nothing inconsistent about it, it's the consequence of living in civilization.The whole idea behind the creation of a Constitutional Republic was to subordinate government to the will of the people, kept in check by dividing representation between the state's governments and the people. Then the Supreme Court picked up Britten's laws of equity, plopped it down over our founding organic law, and it was a slow downhill ride from there...A constitutional republican form of government is still the best way of administering law and justice.It is to the law that you cede some aspect of individual sovereignty, not to the agent. OK so, you advocate FRAUD and THEFT because that's what fractional reserved lending is. And, I bet that if you actually understood what "fractional reserved" meant, you would be really upset. **Oh, I forgot to answer your question: No.
  4. Extrapolation That's another annoying characteristic of ideologies, they tend to get people out of the habit of thinking for themselves... I'll give you a starter: Honest money, 100% Reserved banking.........GO!
  5. aggression is subject to interpretation and perspective. Violence is unequivocal, whether it is used in offence or defence. The NAP is ultimately backed by the threat/assurance of violence. But that's OK, because humans have operated at that base level for millennia and I suppose there is little reason why we shouldn't devolve civilization back to that primal level of existence. Ah the primal state of nature...we're free, we're free...
  6. For theory, let's remove the state from the equation. Can you own property absent capitalism? - Yes. Can you live freely on your property, grow and harvest food to sustain your life, absent capitalism? - Yes. If the answer to both of these is yes then capitalism is not a necessary component to living life in liberty. And people did it for thousands of years. When does property become capital? When does a human being become capital? Can a human being be capital and live in liberty at the same time? I don't know about you but when I start thinking about life in these terms, capitalism appears to be nothing more than a system of debt slavery, but because you get goodies out of it, it's OK.... Can one be a minarchists without being any type of "ism" at all? Why should anyone be forced to subordinate their will to a fucking Ideology in order to live free? It's oxymoronic If I chose to live my life in liberty under my own terms, by my own definition, then why do I need to attach your fucking mentally masturbated baggage to it?
  7. 2) The NAP is not enforced with violence. That cannot possibly be so because it would be an obvious contradiction. People cannot be threatened with NAP. This makes no logical sense. How do you defend your life and property, just walk away from the ones threatening to take them from you? You choose to walk away in defense of NAP, they get the property. You choose to stay and refuse to defend yourself in defense of NAP, they get your life and property. Oh, but they wouldn't threaten my life or property because of NAP. OK, history starts new every morning when we wake up and ends every night when we go to sleep.
  8. With the exception of the last 100 years; all of history and all of the philosophies conveying man's struggle to live life in Liberty proves you wrong. Capitalism is a 20th century ideological contrivance, crafted in support of the status quo. And your ideology of Libertarianism was crafted to support Capitalism. Reality is a cruel master...
  9. Ok, I believe I got it. All the philosophies through all of the ages theorising and conveying the historical of man's want to live life in liberty was, in reality, man's struggle to live in the 20th century invention called Capitalism. Sorry, my bad.....
  10. And we're right back to close minded Ideological sloganeering. "Give me Capitalism or give me death" I'm not defining anything for you, merely pointing out the realities and inconsistencies of your beliefs.
  11. Their history led to their deaths, just as our history will lead to ours. It wasn't designed that way, it was made that way. Capitalism is the State, Federal Reserve, the Banks, Wall Street and the Corporations that feed it. Production is the $24 dollars in glass beads and trinkets. "Capitalism is being able to own the means of production" Bullshit. Living in Liberty is being able to own the means of production, capitalist based fractional reserved financing is the means by which they steal it from you. When you're fighting for capitalism, you're fighting for the state, you're fighting for your own enslavement, your fighting for your own economic rape and they're just laughing at your dumbass while you do it. What a stroke of genius, convince the little guy that what he does is the same as what the capitalist rentiers do so the dumbass will defend the system that is economically raping him. Do you live in a condition of Liberty or in Capitalism? Don't conflate the two because they are diametrically opposed.
  12. Capitalism has always been crony, it has existed in no other condition. Capitalism could not exist without the state or fractional reserved banking. I used to be a cheerleader for Capitalism too. Then I got out of my confirmation bias zone and went looking for the truth. What am I supposed to tell them, be joining you soon? I don't give fuck about them, they're dead. You act and talk like a slave, then you're a slave. Oh please, recite propaganda to me, I just love listening to it. Look at the world around, does it even remotely look like that? Oh ouch! He talked mean about capitalism, he must be a socialist!That's so two dimensional thinking....
  13. You use NAP to justify NAP. And it is backed by the threat of immediate violence. To say it is not is the same as saying you have no right to life or property. Sure you can because there is no such thing a UPB, it's a made up fiction. Nice idea, makes you feel all warm, fuzzy and sanctimonious inside, but it's not real.
  14. WTF bullshit inflammatory ball-less rhetoric. Government is the servant, not the master. Geez, be a man, stand the fuck up. Stop mewling like a coward sheep. Do yourself a favor and do a google on "Capitalism vs. Free Enterprise" and "Capitalism vs. Markets". Capitalism has little to do with people owning stuff. It has everything to do with capture and control of markets. I already told you I advocate a return to free/private enterprise and a market economy. Let the Capitalist rentiers finance industries, if they can muster the capital, and leave the entrepreneurs and the markets to do the rest. It doesn't take an ideology to live your life in liberty, all you have to do is stand up. "(I think I've got it, you're capitalising the philosophies you don't approve of and leaving the ideologies you do in lowercase.) WTF is that supposed to mean?
  15. I don't support government, I support the organic rule of law that created the U.S. (as opposed to our current law of equity system), over the whims and ideologies of man. I do believe you have a natural right to build and enjoy a leaderless libertarian community if that's what you choose, right here, make your own rules, build your own roads, water and sewer systems, or not. Dumbass socialist should be given the same chance to cobble together their own communities as well. You can show us how it's done libertarian style, and the dumbass socialist can serve as an object lesson. The rest can go on about enjoying life as we see fit with our republican forms of limited government, (pay taxes, I want my roads, bridges water and sewer systems). Assuming we get the states' legislators to repudiate the unlawful/unconstitutional 17th non-amendment and seat their selection of Senators. Which, by the way, would destroy the current entrenched oligarch and the phony two party system. That rule of custom is a bitch. If we were to get rid of debt based fractional reserved banking and credit as currency, it would pretty much kill Capitalism, and we would return to a more organic market based free/private enterprise system where nearly everyone could get the chance to create their own economy. (patents laws will need to be addressed). Or, we (me and the mouse in my pocket) can keep daydreaming, passing the time until the shit finally blows up in our face. If that happens, I'm sure you guys will get a shot at laying claim to those national parklands ya'll been eyeballing all these many years.... (damn, did I get off topic or what....) I'm sorry, I missed this one. Why am I not asking questions? Because I'm not interested in being indoctrinated. Thanks for the lafe though....
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