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Everything posted by Daguras

  1. I have Nosgoth lol. What is your Steam my friend?
  2. I am really not sure what to make of this. So I responded to a comment on YouTube. What the content of that comment or my response entails is not relevant now, after reading this... "Pardon me. But there is a difference between having consistent parents and having "abusive" parents. It used to be that whenever a kid did something bad, he was beaten, even by the schoolmasters. This was not abuse, this was discipline. Times have changed, and while it is not necessary for teachers to do this now, it is always necessary for parents to spank, slap, or belt their kids. The key is that when a parent does this, it MUST NOT be done in anger. If the need arises to yell at the kid in question, they need to remain hands off until they're cooler. I was often beaten, sometimes quite harshly. This has made me into what I am now; a comparatively mild-mannered person, who has a fairly good lid on his temper. I do not hate my parents; they taught me virtually everything I know, and that is a debt that I can never repay. You, at the young age of fifteen, have very little to go off of. I encourage you to cultivate patience and foresight, and also be mindful of your inexperience. It's too soon for you to think about kids, I would imagine, but whatever you do, do not spare them from physical punishment. A kid has to learn that actions have consequences, and whatever your methods may be, a lesson hard learned is almost always a lesson well learned." Again, I'm not sure what to make of this, and yes, I am 15. I am pretty sure that I know the difference between sadistic parenting and peaceful parenting. "Spanking" and "disciplinarian" are just code words for abusive behaviors. What do you guys have to say to this?
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