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  1. I agree with most of what you say but I don't think the article is going insofar to say that women never commit crimes but instead their crimes are more acceptable, pardonable, or even minor in nature and just require a 'pep talk' to correct their course. If anything, it's just a step down from what you're saying. However, I do agree with you on the fact that this author is incredibly ridiculous and is quite the misandrist stating that, in a fairly obvious manner, that women alone have a monopoly on victimhood and perpetuating this degree of sexism. "What purpose is served by subjecting the most disempowered, abused and nonviolent women to the perpetually negative environment of prisons?" Men can't be disempowered? Men can't be abused? Men can't be nonviolent? Nnnnnaaaaaaahhhh. Noooow....this is an interesting and fun theory. The moment I read this reply, I immediately started thinking of The Island, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0399201/, with a lottery based system to be allowed to court a woman, only to later have to undergo crazy ass tests, exams, probing etc. to see I was 'fit' to breed. Thanks for the crazy idea, lol! Is this your personal belief or is this based on something/someone else's work?
  2. Hey all, I was poking around Facebook and I saw this 'amazing' article on the injustice of incarcerating women. http://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2014/11/06/we-should-stop-putting-women-in-jail-for-anything/ Article mentions that this is in the process in England; anyone from England or familiar with English politics/policies know how this is actually going? "God save all our Queens!"
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