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  1. I go to church every Sunday more for community then anything else. They have been mentioning multiculturalism in the church and today the whole sermon was about multiculturalism. Actually that's a lie but that's what they want you to think. The focus of the sermon was how we as a people which quickly turned into white people need to help and stand up for people less fortunate which quickly turned into people of color, which quickly turned into black people or African Americans. Words like Asian, Hispanic, Indian, Native American or any other word associated with a race that was not black was not mentioned once in today's sermon. The sermon quickly turned into a lecture on how white people should give more to black people and how white people should never assume anything negative of black people. Of course they mentioned we need to stand up for injustices and the vague example they used was "when white cops kill black kids for not just reasons."The word "Caucasian" was not used at all while black people were referred to as Blacks, African Americans, and people of color. The pastor invited two black pastors from other churches to make suggestions on what white people should be doing differently to make black people feel more accepted in the community. I spoke to a church elder and asked why didn't we mention other races like Asians, Hispanics, or Indians, and the church elder said they "they participate in false religions and can not be saved." To me the whole thing came off as very racist in favor of the black community, not caring about other races and I feel liberalism is now really hitting the churches hard. I also felt like I was the only person who had a problem with this crap because no one else seemed to speak up. It seems like I am always being fed this bullshit about racism with the focus being on black people. If this movement is doing anything to me its making me dislike the black community as whole and give greater respect to other races that are not forcing me to respect them. I apologize if this is the wrong place for this or if it appears that I am venting. This is a huge frustration of mine as I don't have many friends that can see past liberal propaganda.
  2. Today while working with my retail job I had a Muslim coworker talk to me about books she read in class. One book she mentioned was 1984. This spun into a conversation about statism and a state not allowing you to think, question things, telling you what to do and when to do it etc., We both agreed an oppressive state was not the place we would want to live in. However, she has a God that tells her what she can eat, who she can marry, how many times she has to pray, that it is wrong to question him, if she abandons him she will be killed and send her to hell etc. etc. I feel like the real difference between 1984 and Islam is that in 1984 you can hunt down your tyrants where in Islam you have an imaginary tyrant that was stolen from the Christians. I didn’t feel the work place would be the right place for a religious debate. My question is how do you get religious people who claim they are against tyranny to wake up and realize they have an imaginary tyrant calling the shots for them?
  3. Yeah I agree, genisis has it backwards, man created god in his image and his likeness for social control.
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