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Everything posted by drosenfeld55

  1. I remember Adams saying that you shouldn't get upset if someone refuses to accept your rational argument because you're not rational, ether. Perhaps he meant you're not always rational; I'd have to listen to it again. He did say other interesting things as mentioned above, including that he had ended the death threats against himself by endorsing Clinton, even though he was honest about his reason for doing it. He also had an amusing story about how he dealt with someone who reflexively said "no" to everything by using something like a technique I used to see in cartoons. Two characters would be going back and forth, one asserting one thing and the other contradicting it, when the protagonist, probably Bugs Bunny, would suddenly repeat his opponent's response. His opponent would then counter with Bugs' original assertion and act on it. In Adams' example, he would preemptively make the other person's case for him, causing him to want to prove Adams wrong.
  2. I heard Scott Adams sounding like he was making a rational argument that no one is rational which, if true, means he wasn't rational, but I don't know what conclusion to draw from it because I'm not rational either. Plus, my brain hurts.
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