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  1. "Emotional Dumping: Dangers of Taking Empathy Hostages" Is it this one? If not please provide me more information.
  2. Is it this one? If not please provide more information. I am also curious on the circumstances on why it hit you hard.
  3. It was a pleasure Nic (School of Athens). I hope you get out of that dangerous situation as soon as possible. Like I said yesterday, this could of ended a million times worse. Bringing him home like that was a complete an utter disrespect to you and your boundaries. Who knows how long she has been "with" this guy. She could of brought home something contagious. She could of gotten pregnant by this guy or another and lied to you about it... From what you said I think she had the potential of being very self destructive and for everyone around her. Also I cannot remember if I told you already.... I am very skeptical if a girlfriend could be downgraded to a friend. Since you broke up with her then that means that there was something fundamentally incompatible or there was an opposition of values. Also I think there would be too much of a conflict of interest and also there would be a lot of topics that you would not be able to talk to her honestly about. Could be wrong, but it is something to think about. Therapy is a golden idea. Hope you are feeling better. Take care.
  4. Maybe they will rent it out for birthday parties.
  5. Great movie. Adam Kokesh? , check. Alex Jones? Double Check. I don't know why it's a "rough" cut, the documentary is already ready to go. It has my seal of approval. haha. Thanks for the download.
  6. I feel your pain man. To live in a world where a women can steal a man's sperm, and there being no repercussions. Just think of the outrage from the left if a man stole a women's eggs! In a weird way, she kinda raped you man. She raped you in a biological sense, in a financial sense, and in an emotional sense. It's really hard trying to advise on it, of corse not I or anyone in this forum wants to tell you what to do. But IF I was in your situation my primary concerns would be protecting my daughter for physical harm, If that meant talking and having mediations with the bitch, so be it,... also not letting my ex or my bio family rip me apart from my current wife. It sounds like your wife is very intelligent and loving, don't let these people come between you and her, it sounds like you and your wife are currently in a lot of stress. Also get some actual friends in your life, you need a support network! When you were involved with Sarah, not only did you fail to see her for what she was and act on that knowledge, but also everyone in your life failed. Either because they were just as dysfunctional as your bio family or because they simply did not care. I honestly don't think that you will beat her in court, And I am sensorially sorry. I mean, your ex would have to be a drug addict prostitute for you to have a chance. Again if you are willing to fight in court do it, its only my opinion.
  7. Wow, your right about one thing, it is certainly a lot to take in. First of all give yourself some kudos getting away from those people. I hope you understand, why your parents are nurturing your ex, why your father and rest of your "support network" failed to worn you of this estrogen based parasite. She certainly won the lottery jackpot with you and your parent's deep pockets. All I have to say is have a serious talk to your wife, ask her if she is even willing to raise your daughter. Is she on board with peaceful parenting? I certainly don't doubt your your daughter is in danger, physically and emotionally, from a women that would steal your sperm and a family that would support the crazy woman. Try and look into your ex's parenting and inform your lawyer if you have a chance to take custody based on that. Please tell me one thing, did your parents know that this woman practically milked you to impregnate herself? Hey Maybe she cheated? If they knew, thats another reason why you should question any future relationship you may want with these people. If they didn't know, it would not exonerate them, as they still knew that this woman would be like a cancer to you.
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