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  1. I wear a calculator watch, and do 2-3 digit division in my head to see how many decimals I can calculate to. then check on my watch.
  2. so, here, "Land, like Odysseus' slave-girls, is still property." ? Do you find the comparison invalid?
  3. Hey, Dave. Sorry for the response delay. I am designing a unit operation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_operation) for the removal of fecals, TSS, TDS, BOD, COD, oil & grease through the use of mycofiltration. Basically a packed bed reactor filled with substrate. Inoculate the substrate with mushroom spores and let the mycelium grow out. The mycelial mat serves as a physical filter (removal of TSS, TDS), and secretes oxidative enzymes that break down O&G, fecals. It's a very low-cost system, however maintenance will likely be a problem. Sound interesting to you?
  4. Hi, FDR I am in the planning stages of creating a curriculum for homeschooling, and it would be great if my product could fulfill the needs of people like the ones here. I am looking for secular homeschoolers. I would like to know about the textbooks and classroom resources you use. Ubiquitous topics like algebra, chemistry, and music have been done very well. I would like to fill niche areas, instead. Does your homeschooled child have access to courses such as: engineering, hydrology, thermodynamics, ecology, mycology, nutrition, food chemistry, quantum mechanics and do any of these courses resonate with you? Would you purchase course materials for these or other course topics? I appreciate your feedback. When my product goes to market, I will give generous discounts to anyone who provides honest feedback. Best, Tibor
  5. Could you explain what you mean by "exploiting her child's digital identity?" The interaction is not totally honest, and I agree with your assessment of that being undesirable. It is obviously not abuse, but definitely not ideal. Edit - Rewatched it. She is patronizing him.
  6. Does anyone have any experience in these areas?
  7. It's disorienting to repeatedly laugh, then immediately declare that "it's not funny." It's obviously funny. Kids get into things and make messes. It's okay to laugh at the ridiculousness of the outcome. It's ridiculous because adults wouldn't smear paint all over themselves for fun, acting like it's normal. That's funny! Explain the dangers of consuming paint, the potential damage to home and property that can occur from being messy with paint, then get some finger paints or equivalent that the children can go nuts with safely out in the yard. "You're going to bed with no juice tonight, you understand that?" No, they don't understand why they're being punished. They know that daddy is mad... or is he? He keeps laughing, then telling us we're in trouble. Better try and go along with him, but we're confused. The father says they're being punished because " am not very happy right now." That's a hell of a reason to punish someone.
  8. Is anyone familiar with Aldo Leopold's land ethic? Thoughts, opinions? In the shortest sense, the purpose of a land ethic is to extend ethical considerations within the human community to include soils, waters, plants, animals (i.e. the land). http://home.btconnect.com/tipiglen/landethic.html
  9. See sciencemadness.org for a wonderful DIY chemistry forum. It's got biochem and organic sections. I'm a home scientist, but my family's business includes a laboratory. I have an advantage. I'm also a chemist, not so much a biologist, so the costs are lower so long as you avoid most analytical instrumentation. What kinds of things are you looking to get your hands on? I have labware to sell EDIT - I just realized how zombified this thread was. Oh well.
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