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  1. I really feel as if it was once on YouTube, I seem to remember sharing both anarchy books with a friend within the last 6 months. I can no longer find it and could be remembering incorrectly.
  2. I have sent this video to several people, and today got some really great feedback from my cousin. He loved it and said wonderful things about Stefan, which made me feel very good and not so alone intellectually. The others I have sent it to have not responded at all, as if I never even sent it. This happens often when I share Stefans stuff with others. I feel that in this particular call Stefan packs a great amount of his arguments into a fairly short amount of time, and I think it is helpful for anyone who regularly runs into the various frustrating arguments discussed in this call. In the Sunday call-in show immediately after this podcast in the podcast series, a caller asks Stefan which of his books is best to share with someone to introduce them to these ideas, Stefan recommends Everyday Anarchy. I went back and listened to it again, before sending it to a few people, and it is great. I got some really great feedback from one person, who asked me to send him something else. I just sent him Manual For Human Ownership and hope that he will enjoy it and want more.
  3. For those of you who are not currently wading through the podcast series from the beginning, you may have missed this one. I thought this was a fabulous call and felt like I needed to share it here. Any thoughts?
  4. I know you have listened to the DRO podcasts and read the anarchy books, but have you checked out Stefan's debates on minarcism vs Anarchy? There are a lot of great arguments regarding DROs in all of those debates. Check some of those out if you have not done that yet.
  5. FDR46 as well as The Truth About Voting(1,2,&3) are a good start and have helped me in discussions about voting.
  6. Sure, no problem. I believe what fixed it for me was the new iOS update. I updated to 8.4 and the next day it was back to working normally.
  7. Another vote for reading the book first. I had the same reaction to the movie that others here have described, very disappointed.
  8. I would just like to confirm that my iPhone is now downloading normally with the IOS podcast app.
  9. I do like the idea of an Einstein presentation. Currently, I know very little about his personal life.
  10. I just wanted to add that I have been experiencing this same problem with the iOS podcast app. I am using a iphone6 with the newest update installed. I have the same app on the iPad and it works just fine. On the iPhone, if I erase the volume I am on, and then re-search for it I am able to download one (1) podcast just fine, but no others will download without the error message. edit: my iPhone is now downloading normally
  11. Wow! Amazing stuff, thank you for this presentation.
  12. Well I gave you a thumbs up and subscribed, very good video.
  13. I like the channel Brave the World.
  14. I was wondering because I just went through this same thing. Just got to volume 4 and came across this issue. On my old iPod I am only able to download the last 250 podcasts, on my iPad I use the purple podcast app and can download any of them after subscribing to the feed. When I got the new iPhone I was hoping to replace my primary podcast listening device. When I first checked to see if I would be able to download the earlier podcasts in that volume, I thought that I was having the same problem that I had with my iPod. After subscribing to the feed of volume four I was in fact able to download the earlier podcasts in that volume, although initially it appeared that I would not be able to. So to summarize, using an older iPod and iTunes I have this same issue, but using the purple podcast app on the iPad and iPhone I am able to download all of them, only after subscribing to the feed. My experience may be different from yours and Mike has already helped you, but I wanted to put this here in case it may help someone else in the future experiencing the same issue.
  15. What type of device or phone are you using?
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