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Colorado Springs so called Libertarian Failure. Nothing about this came up under the search I did, so some thoughts. I do have to say it was not really very Libertarian as there was still a meddling government entity. There was no UPB in action, a core tenet of Libertarianism . Example from the article. "The criticism of no trash cans. " I just traveled all over Japan, one of the if not the cleanest country in the world. Good luck finding garbage cans. People don't leave trash behind they take with them. So in a societal mindset must be in place. I saw very little of this demonstrated in the article. Again I will look into this more. On the surface though the author's pro big government bias shows. This no doubt has lead to a certain amount of framing of facts. I have done a little research and I am having a hard time finding any reference to what happened here as to be considered Libertarian other than by the author. Not to surprising because most of what happened was not libertarian in anyway. Thoughts? http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/06/30/colorado-springs-libertarian-experiment-america-215313
Consolation of Philosophy, Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius Book V Prose 4. " "For signs only point to what is, they do not cause the things they point to." Or My Schrodinger's cat version. The label on the box says dead cat inside but is the cat truly dead? Does the cat have to die because of the label stating foreknowledge of the cat? Is the label divine therefore divine foreknowledge or jerk roommate who hates cats? Will the cat still have to die when you open the box? If the molecules arrange creating the cat in my universe as I open the box and the cat is alive and I kill the cat in the box am I doing it because the label says dead cat in box OR because that damn Schrodinger cat should have already been dead?
Thank you! Yes you have summed it up very well. Their is still a shred of me that wants him to have that "Come to Jesus moment" There is though a large part of me that if he does would be WTF asshole why did you wait to now? I am working on the anger. Every day I try to do better. It's not healthy and I don't want any of it doing more damage to my other relationships. Thank you again!
Update: No change at all. He is about too undergo very dangerous surgery on his failing heart again, still will not admit, remember anything, yet is fishing for me to come to him in his hour of need. Still does not have the balls to ask why I don't let him within 3 feet of me since he does know the answer. Could easily die under the knife and yet still refuses to own his actions.
Yeah he sent me another email and in it he references a conversation that we never had and facts I never knew that I somehow brought up in that conversation and used to terrify HIM!. Years ago I went through this same crap with my mother. Back then I did not have the self knowledge I had a year ago let alone what I have now after discovering FDR. This level of mental illness is scary. Thankfully I am much better prepared to deal with it now. The immense confusion I had decades ago when I DE-FOOd my mother is not present now. In fact my sense of self has never been clearer. He can stay in his little sandbox of self created hell. I have a happy family that I work every day to make even happier, safe and secure from people like him.
Yeah I was not really sure how he was going to respond. I figured a denail, but this is worse the denial.
For starters many thanks to Mike and Stef. I can here for the politics and stayed for the philosophy. Talked with Mike by email about the epic abuse I received from both parents. I was inspired to contact Mike after listening to one of the call in shows when Stef talked about snagging condiments packages for food to survive. LOL I for some strange reason I thought I was the only one who did that as a kid. Well I called my father out on the abuse he started. He was the first to abuse and of my parents the only one still in my life. I called him out. Now some back story, my father loves to argue over the most inane and stupid shit. He can regurgitate facts like the firing order of a Model A ford. Absolutely bordering on violent arguments over the most stupid shit. This all to avoid any real conversations with me. Now before this email I had sent my fathers links to some of Stef's vids covering abuse and facing ones abusers. According to him he watched them. When asked he had no comment on them. This was the email that I sent him. One of the reasons we always argue is your avoidance to having any real communication with me. I have been giving a lot of thought about how you reacted when I joked about being the one in charge of your health-care and well being if you got sick and could not make the decisions for yourself. I know why you reacted the way you did even though you refuse to or cannot acknowledge it yourself. When I was a helpless child in bed deep asleep, completely at your mercy, completely reliant on you for my life in every way you would at random times late into the night and early morning when my mother had not come home from work and was out screwing around you would storm into my room, turning the light on and mercilessly beat the shit out of me. You used me as your punching bag for all your anger and hostility. A totally innocent child. Due to your beating I wet the bed well into my teens. Any noise or disturbance when I was asleep caused me to instantly awaken in a state of total fear. To this very day I am instantly awakened every night at the slightest sound I don’t recognize. To this day I carry the anger and pain with me and daily work to be a better person then you and not resort to beating my children as an outlet for anger. Years ago I tried talking to you about the beatings. Your response was that you “Compartmentalized your feelings as a way of dealing with it.” You never dealt with anything. Compartmentalizing is a way for an evil bastard to not take responsibility for the evil shit they have done. You never once in any way apologized to me for any of the abuse you heaped on me. Although I have to comment, funny how physical abuse stops when the target of your abuse gets big enough to punch your fucking lights out. I also regret and feared that when I sent ****** and ****** on those trips with you, out of my sight and control you abused them also out of some sort of justification for an infraction of your rules or dictate. This is why you were scared about me making medical decisions for you. Staring your own mortality in the face you were scared shitless at being held responsible for and being punished for the evil shit you did So now keeping in mind Stef’s comments on the odds of getting a parent to admit what they did bordering on just below 0% This was my fathers response, “My memories are different than yours and I choose not to fight or argue.” This from the man who can quote the most stupid fact. WOW so it looks like it's time to DE FOO from him. For some reasion I thought I would give him a chance to work these things out and talk about them to me.