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  1. I'm not familiar with Eratosthenes experiment. Has it been duplicated? I have seen footage of boats that sit ON the horizon many miles out which goes against the claims that they should be disappearing beyond the horizon. There are also photographs of Chicago taken from Michigan, which according to the 8inch curvature of the earth, is impossible. They say that it is actually a mirage when you can see it...which would make it a 2000 foot + high mirage and the photo didn't appear to be a mirage. Also, how am I supposed to trust footage from NASA, the same people that gave us the most retarded scam in history called The Moon Landings. They have admitted that they don't have the technology to go to the moon even today i.e they haven't solved the lunar dust problem. In reference to satelites, maybe they are drones. I'm not sure what to think of that assertion. Here is one of the things that I think is LAUGHABLE....why are there not more PHOTOS of the earth. They give us COMPOSITE images that are created in photoshop. They give us the Apollo photo of the earth back from the 60's...appears to be a perfect sphere....and now Niel Degrasse Tyson says that the earth is actually pear shaped. I've seen a ridiculous photo of earth from a Japanese mission and a supposed "video" of the rotating earth back from 2008. But oddly, none of the clouds move as the earth rotates. Footage from amateur balloons sent up to around 100,000 feet shows that the horizons always rises to eye level. If you were on a ball, you would be leaving the ball as you ascended, thus you would have to look lower and lower to see the horizon as you left the ball. The redbull skydiver had a fish eye lens if you see that footage. I would think it would be of some importance to people to try and understand where it is they are actually living.
  2. Is that a new field called Physical Relativism?
  3. I don't think you are taking into account the actual differences in height. At 50 miles there would be a 33.33 feet difference in height, which they say isn't happening. ((50milesx8inches)/12inches)
  4. It takes a real long time to be a civil engineer, an architect, and I am going to put my bets on the experts knowing what they are talking about.
  5. http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/05/architects-engineers-for-flat-earth.html These are some practical examples of how engineers and architects account for the curvature of the earth - 8 inches per mile.
  6. Should the citizens and unborn citizens of the "United States of America" pay their national debt obligations...or would we call these people assholes that did not choose to comply with the debt repayment? I would like to hear some thoughts. Thanks.
  7. I thought it was a lame attempt to try and 'relate' to the masses and not alienate himself too much from the mainstream. This propaganda to me is garbage and movies similar to it have been too infuriating to watch. I don't think it's fun to try and relate to psychopaths or try and image what it is like to be pure human waste in a uniform.
  8. The Truth About the Race War was great. A lot of fascinating historical examples of conspiring to pit people against each other using race as fuel. Toward the end I was like, "...this is a great conspiracy." Has Stefan ever mentioned anything about his take on any other conspiracies specifically?
  9. armstrongeconomics.com Taxes will rise as governments all around the world will scrape for every last penny. Death to empires comes from deflation, not inflation. It's time for people to walk away from government debt. They cannot and will not ever repay their debts. Your currency is dead. Don't waste it.
  10. does ANYONE think it would EVER be moral to disassociate from a contract if the other part was exuberantly immoral????? WTF!!
  11. No one has answered my question that is similar to this. Apparently it does not matter in nay effect who the creditor is. If the creditor defrauded me and is trying to kill me is not a. Matter of concern to many. Are you telling me that future generations have a legitimate debt to pay? ThAt much of the debt created by governments is real???? Is debt created by fraud and legit? I cant think of a more peaceful way to rid evil than to ignore it.
  12. That's at least a reason to pay after the currency is inflated , inflation is worst for creditors. I think its a little insane that the currency we are forced to use is almost dead. The going concern of the currency is at risk. The corporations and governments have no expectation of "integrity" beyond shareholder value...why would I give more than that from my position as well. Not paying is merely a hedge in a way.
  13. Great post, Lee! Is there ever a circumstance where you personally wouldn't fulfill a commitment based on your own integrity? There is no way to separate yourself from a voluntary agreement with integrity?
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