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yagami last won the day on November 13 2016

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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE5L_kFlt3k
  2. Here is the link to an article about this but I'll summarize it for you below : http://www.chicagotribune.com/bluesky/originals/ct-matt-maloney-grubhub-email-resign-bsi-20161110-story.html So the CEO of grubhub made this statement to his employees: “While demeaning, insulting and ridiculing minorities, immigrants and the physically/mentally disabled worked for Mr. Trump, I want to be clear that his behavior - and these views, have no place at Grubhub,” Maloney wrote. “Had he worked here, many of his comments would have resulted in his immediate termination.” “If you do not agree with this statement then please reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here,” he wrote. “We do not tolerate hateful attitudes on our team.” Of course he later back peddled on this statement claiming to be accepting of all political views. *Sigh* I ordered from them a lot but no more.
  3. Im not sure how old this video is or if most people here have seen it but I thought it was worth posting. https://www.facebook.com/anonews.co/videos/1313784798633076/
  4. Im not sure how old this video is or if most people here have seen it but I thought it was worth posting. https://www.facebook.com/anonews.co/videos/1313784798633076/
  5. You absolutely need to do that because this will take the matter out of the realm of theory and into the realm of fact. It's easy for you to make assumptions from the outside and say oh well that's what it looks like but then be completely proven wrong by a double blind study. This is how misinformation get spread. There is a reason why the double blind study is called the gold standard. Find the double blind study that proves your case and then we can talk. But you are making a truth claim which means we need more than your conjecture to for proof.
  6. Are you making the argument that your IQ comes from your culture or social surrounding? Where is the double blind study for that? If IQ is just a matter of culture then how come no one has been able to point to the what a particular culture is doing to raise IQ scientifically. If it's just a matter of identifying the right environment how come no one has proved this using the scientific method of trial and error? It would be easy to take a bunch of children from different parts of the world and have them all raise the kids in very similar way. If you find wild variations in the IQ then the theory that race is a social construct goes out the window.
  7. Sounds like you feel that you need to be able to defend him on every front for some reason. You can stump your friends by saying if you need to be able to defend someone on all fronts what candidate are you supporting that can be defended on all fronts. I doubt they will bug you after that.
  8. This made me sick to watch and it really pisses me off. Especially the sexual stuff. I will never have my children in public government run schools.
  9. Due to the amount of bs I've been exposed to from the mainstream media I never know when something the media puts out is real or exaggerated. So the story goes this guy was found by two students raping a girl who was unconscious in an ally behind a dumpster. We was convicted of 3 counts of sexual assault and given 6 months in country jail. That just sounds so freakin unbelievable I dont know what to say. But it seems pretty straight forward. Im not going to draw any stupid conclusions as to why this happened like the left does like "If he were black he'd never see the light of day again". I dont believe that at all but I want to know how someone could essentially get away with something like this. Are the courts really that corrupt? Or have I been mislead again by the mainstream media. Please spaghetti monster save us.
  10. Holy crap great job on the video Mike and Steph!
  11. I gotta say I was surprised Trump would call out the judge on his heritage publicly given how people are just dying for material against him. My views on his comments are that he just said what anyone would think in that situation. I mean Im not saying he is accurate in his assessment but given the fact that Trump has upset so many Hispanics and the judge is giving his what he perceives to be very unfair ruling can anyone honestly say the thought would not cross their minds? So Trump just feels the same way anyone would but just said it out loud. It seems like a pretty politically stupid move but what do I know. If you are gonna call Trump a racist over this I'd say he is more the say it out loud racist while the rest of us are just closet racist. Maybe im wrong and in fact the thought would never actually cross the majority of people minds who were put in that situation. My first thoughts were "I wouldnt be surprised if he is right but he'll never prove it". Anyway would like to hear what you think about this.
  12. When you say im gambling on nothing but but faith an hope that is completely wrong. Unless you are are referring to the ability to tell the future. I have already stated that based on my understanding of the situation I believe Trump's solution is best. What will actually happen I dont know but you can say that about anything. I guess I have hope and faith that Steph will continue to put out great content. I have hope and faith that my internet connection will be here tomorrow. Slapping this hope and faith onto your argument isnt adding anything here it's just a way to diminish what im saying. I claim I have very little knowledge because I know what it means to have great knowledge in a particular area. When you really learn something deeply you realize how little you know about everything else and I know most people know almost nothing about this subject in particular but always seem to think they know the answer. So when you say I should be more humble you again are adding nothing to the conversation. I already said I know very little but given what I know I think Trump is right. How much more humble can I get? I absolutely will not take responsibility for any negative outcome. Why should I? Im in prison. I can sit by and let the migrants come in I can choose to vote for more migrants to come in or I can vote for them to leave and keep them out. Keep in mind I have a gun to my head here. Two out of three of my options will destroy what progress we have made towards a free society. It's not even a question for me which answer is the best for our future. Steph often says when force is a factor morality goes out the window. Do you not believe that? It's like you dont see the danger that is coming to us all. This is a society destroying event. Sit there and theory craft about solutions that will never happen in your lifetime if you want. I will be out there doing what I can to ensure we have a free society in the future. Also sorry I took so long to reply. I wrote something before but I refreshed the page after writing something and got totally demoralized that my post got destroyed.
  13. Yes I am arguing for Trumps position and yes it may expand government power but so what? I get that government programs fail I get that government programs get corrupted but SO WHAT? I dont think you understand how irrelevant that is. I am not advocating for a moral solution nor am I arguing for the best solution. Im arguing for the solution that looks best to me. As I stated in the beginning I am no expert and I only know so much. But to me the wall seems like a step in the right direction. Who cares if it fails I am in prison just like you and I just want things to get better. It's like you have a society that is getting sick from a disease and we need to do something about it. I dont know the right solution and maybe historically every government solution has failed in the past but so what? People are dying as we need to try something. Normally I wouldnt say that for every problem in society. I wouldnt say the government should really do something about pollution problem because things are getting bad. But this problem in particular is a society destroying problem that is not fixed will lead to neither of us having the luxury to type on these forums. I believe this is our best shot to make a positive change. It may fail but what choice do we have? If it fails for all those reasons you pointed out goodbye western values forever.
  14. Alright lets go point by point. * Please point out where I claimed to have proof that Donald Trump's plan will work. How could any reasonable person make such a claim? The same goes for his promises. * Of course government programs historically fail on that we agree and I have never disagreed with that point if you believe I have please point out where I have said a past government program has not failed. * Again please point out my statement where I am arguing for more state power. You are just throwing these words at me with no proof. Show me the evidence not what you think you gathered from what I've said. * I believe the statement you cant prevent corruption is completely false and here is my argument. I will assume you are an anarchist so you should be familiar with the concept of getting money out of politics. You should also be aware that by reducing government power you also prevent corruption propositional to the amount of power reduced. Now if you are making the argument that you can not completely and totally prevent corruption you may have a point but im just responding to what you actually posted. But since most people dont use the term that way I would like to think my assessment is correct. If im wrong and you meant totally and complete prevention just correct me in your response. And if that is the case I'll just go ahead and respond and say that that is a near impossible standard to have and perfection in my opinion is not at this stage what we should be aiming for. Lets do as much good as we can right now and smooth out the edges later. * We both agree that power corrupts but that has nothing to do with my response to you. Pointing out something like that doesnt move the conversation forward at all. Im not going to challenge something I agree with. History does prove your case so there is no point in staying on this corruption bit of your argument. * I have never said building a wall is not an expansion of state power. * I do have reason to support trumps position. I believe Trump will build a wall and it will help to prevent illegal immigration. Of course I am no expert on building walls or preventing illegal immigration. I only know so much. But what I do know is that right now what we are doing is not preventing much of anything. We all have the metaphorical gun to our head and what im saying is if I had to choose i'd choose building a wall over what we currently have. I would love to have no government at all of course but we dont have that choice in prison. I am also not saying that everyone should go out and vote/advocate for Trump. We are just talking about that validity of the arguments here. If Trump builds a wall how effective would that be. Not whether it is right or wrong to build a wall. That's a totally different conversation. * I think this is where you believe I am advocating for state power. If someone ask me should the speed limit be 120mph or 30mph in a residential neighborhood I dont know much about speed limits and what would be optimal but given the choices I would choose 30pmh. Maybe even that isnt a good number but I am just leveraging my currently knowledge to decide what I think would be best. Picking a number has no baring on the morality of a state run speed limit system. * Now I believe I have sufficiently responded to your points. You have ignored many of my points from my last post and I hope you dont do that same here. Let's hear your argument.
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