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  1. Quite a debate! Geez guys, same team. Goal: stopping low IQ people flooding The West. Effective solutions: A: Full-on nationalist: build a tribal wall similar to Israël B: Nationalist-ish: just stop funding the migrants similar to Japan, Poland.. I prefer option B as it is: - less expensive - less chance of hampering trade & tourism - cannot be abused by socialists to turn The West into a prison - has been proven empirically to prevent terrorism close to option A That being said, option A is fine with me too... it has added symbolic value. Do what works!
  2. Great question. Theres indeed a lot of "stock market type" uncertainty involved, making predictions close to impossible. But there is also the factor of mass psychology, which *may* be better to predict. The question it comes down to: How much pressure can a govt put on their people before they go mental and switch to revolution-mode to the point of suicidal? Scary version: look at the population of both Venezuela and North Korea for a glimpse into our own future. They still seem to swallow their gov's sh!t. Optimist version: support alternative media and/or speak to help separate govt from economy. Shift the people's perspective on the importance/relevance of govt. That way govt may never run out of money but get forced to restructure into a free-market type of minarchist security company, responsive to the customer's needs. Also, a related fun read: http://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/irish-straight-best-friends-marry-11739904 Basically two straight men married to avoid the insane gift-taxes we suffer under in this late Roman empire. I love it when the govt has less money for their evil or inefficient goals. What I like most is that those guys are so honest about it. Merry -no homo man love- Christmas <3
  3. +++++ Pretty shocking to me, black market prices for the Bolivar are... extreme - wtf is that govt doing over there? Smells like North Korea 2.0 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-01/one-dollar-now-buys-103-000-bolivars-in-venezuela-s-black-market https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUrlpDL5hyU +++++ Btc-core dropping in value, Nothing particularly shocking here, we're used to much bigger price swings. But... what do you guys know? I've recently noticed from Shapeshift.io and other practical Bitcoin platforms that transaction fees are going through the roof. * approx. 15 euros minimum miner fee needed to transfer btc. * The transaction memory pool is overflowing. Can market forces fix the amount of miners to bring down fees? Is there an ETA for a btc-core lightning network? Are they going to do a fork again? Will btc-cash take over? If yes, will the blockchain itself explode in file-size, causing centralization? Would it be wise to look at other technologies like IOTA's "Tangle"?
  4. Yes by knowing all of Stef's rational teachings you will get socially isolated and possibly your social skills will suffer. But even before I got the red-pill info and was still living in "socialist thought paradise", my relationships were incredibly shallow. Questions to you: - Would you rather go back to a mystical/Keynesian way of looking at the world, happily paying taxes and getting completely caught by surprise at the next financial crisis/SHTF or slow Venezuela style decay of societly? - Would you want to engage in shallow personal relationships where you feel even more lonely but were unable to tell why..? Practical suggestion, try filtering people online: In the near future I may try this myself: meeting interesting people online via meetup.com, couchsurfing.com, facebook.com, fdrurl.com,... Most of those platforms have to ability to click on groups with similar interests. And instead of just hitting the "LIKE" button when you see a dude's comment, try contacting him if he's in your geographical area or on your list of travel destinations. No I don't count on finding 100% anarchists from first principle but minarchists can be very dependable people. A friend of mine I met from a previous job is a right wing voter and no fan of importing immigrants. Sure the conversations aren't very philosophical but it can be surprising how many thinking and life style choices you'll have in common.
  5. Excellent explanation again on the regression-to-the-mean topic. Unfortunately many people don't care or want to think that far ahead. I'm still totally onboard with the logic that nationalism is required before libertarian minarchism, with end goal of philosophical anarchism. What I don't really get is why most nationalists want enhanced border protections. Just focus on stopping tax money going to migrants. Winter and rainy nights are really tough, food is damned hard to grow/find in a northern forest. 99% will gtfo themselves! No need to lay a single brick or fence off any country, right? What am I missing here? - Borders cost money, may hamper trade&tourism AND can be used by welfare state lovers to keep people IN. Think North Korea/Iron Curtain. - If public opinion doesn't like the image of sad cold hungry migrants: tell them to take in migrants in their home... then just wait as their personal dramas skyrocket and they change their minds. - Protection against terrorism isn't really an argument either, look at borderless East-European countries. Afaik if you have LESS migrants on welfare [[without chance for a job & family, with an infinite amount of time on their hands to get radicalized]], terrorism decreases.
  6. That question is well answered in the first 5 minutes of this video: The Death Of Kindness
  7. Spain's government revenues would suffer for sure. Not necessarily their economy, depending how the government would react. Trade among Spain and Catalonia should be able to continue. But probably with less forced wealth transfer/taxing in Catalonia. Unfortunately currently it is not difficult to find 160000 people in any country who are leftist, multi culturalist or pathologically altruist. My guess is that most of those people won't suffer strong competition on the job market from 'refugees'. Many full-time working EU citizens are taxed at a greater percentage of their income than the average slave throughout history. If Catalonia becomes a tax haven then it will likely become very unfriendly toward people who don't work productively or migrants. And I'll definitely consider moving there.
  8. After guns, cars, knives and tweezers we should consider banning anything taller than a single story building. You see building access was the real perpetrator here. Don't you get that uncontrollable urge every time you walk past one? People are just innocent little flowers corrupted by the inanimate objects around them. Please get this!
  9. Yes apart from 'economical reasons' the long winded news articles (as usual) don't succinctly state _why_ they want to separate. What i got from it is they're doing better than the rest of Spain, less unemployment, and therefore they want to keep their relative profits. As a general rule of thumb in these scenarios i support any separatist movement because smaller and more localized governments are more responsive to their citizens in general. And possibly less manipulation of fiat money. You raise a good point about their ability to fend off migrants. But I hope simply _not_ giving them money should work sufficiently for them to leave/shop elsewhere.
  10. Police in Catalonia closes 1000+ voting bureaus in an attempt to block separatist referendum on sunday 01-10-2017 https://www.nu.nl/buitenland/4944380/politie-in-catalonie-sluit-ruim-duizend-stembureaus-referendum.html https://www.nu.nl/weekend/4942433/buigen-catalanen-repressie-madrid.html http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2017/09/25/spanish-president-asks-trump-oppose-catalonia-independence-referendum/
  11. Okay. Just illustrating that your chances don't have to be impacted by the accident.
  12. Dude you're awesome! You got hit by a truck and it didn't kill you! Start reframing your story like that. Hell, exaggerate it: next time you walk to a bus stop, use it to start a conversation: "Hi, yeah i know, i see you looking a me like that. You wouldn't believe what happened to me back in 2013 ... [story time] ... i'm sad to have dented the truck ..." Also important: pay attention to HOW you speak. If you tell this in a shy tone, without eye contact with your head tilted down: i promise it will not work. Do the opposite with proud and sparkling eyes and clear voice as if you're genuinely having fun telling the story! Couple of years ago i had a shattered ankle in a cast. (Healed completely, they took out a metal strip and 6 screws a year later). My buddies were working, didn't feel like asking/pressuring anyone to drive me home so i took public transport on borrowed crutches. Strange but a lot of fun to see how much more female attention and conversation i got! Maybe it was initially just pitty. But if you practice story telling, you _will_ score dates! No need for an online profile though the same advice applies there. Be honest about it but you can still frame it in an i-don't-feel-sorry-for-myself-because-i'm-fucking-awesome kinda way!
  13. An Important Birthday Message From Stefan Molyneux Watch the video --- Congratulations and thank you!
  14. Very interesting point of view, I feel like I understand you a lot better now. I guess I'm lucky in that respect to live in the EU, the government doesn't steal everything from men when divorced, it just does it all the time haha (not funny). Maybe pretty subjective preference, but I would recommend: don't allow the law to be such a controlling factor in your life. - I don't want to be a wage slave for the welfare state & military industrial complex. What's the alternative: be criminal or poor guy? - I don't want the US government to potentially grab half my stuff when divorced. What's the alternative? Wait forever/gene death? Additionally, If you're pretty rich and scared of government/female theft, i think there are multiple reasons to hold a significant portion of your financial portfolio in cryptocurrencies or physical gold. To get even more subjective, I do believe it's actually possible to predict within accurate probability if a women will divorce you in the future. Try to judge how emotionally stable somebody is. Judge the company they keep and how they spend their free time. I think additional signs to alleviate any fears are: - Does she do competitive sports or thrive in that kind of environment? (yes = good, some sense of built-in morality/fairness/peer reasoning) - Is she super spontaneous and open with you but very shy/conservative with strangers? Doesn't like going to bars. (sign of more K than r selection, investor type) - Is slightly less attractive than average or slightly older. (ready to settle down, tired of being used/tired of all the shallow one night stands, feels the fertility clock ticking) - Little makeup/sexy outfits or only for you. (investor type instead of tester type)
  15. @Meister, why not settle for a woman who completely shares your political ideas? Objecting to women politically/in the abstract doesn't justify ostracizing all individual women imho. I think Stefan's life provides a good example of this. Same with racism, i object to the political idea of African men coming to Europe, because it leaves their county in a greater mess. Or they come here to get welfare. Does that position automatically mean i must ostracize every individual African man i see? Even if i can convince him of my position and he actively helps me stop other Africans from coming to Europe? In evolution it doesn't matter much if you get killed or don't reproduce at all. I think you're smart. The planet could use some more of that. If you don't, others (Muslims/Africans) will take your place.
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