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  1. First, let me apologize if this is not the good board to post this. I've stumbled upon these remarkably interesting videos Looking a bit further, I've seen that they have a gofundme page. I then thought that it would be of interest to share this, especially the FDR community. https://www.gofundme.com/2h5bunw Ideally, Stef could interview the founder of the school. Anyway, this looks like an actionable strategy to help fatherless young boys. What are your thoughts on this?
  2. I remember seeing a tweet about this but could not find it (the tweet is too old). A bit of google led me here: https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/public/files/Projects/EEF_Project_Report_PhilosophyForChildren.pdf Also, you can look around here: http://depts.washington.edu/nwcenter/index.html Hope this helps
  3. Thanks for your answers, makes total sense.
  4. Hi guys, A question that has been bothering me lately is: why do we sometimes use objective truth (science, logic) to acquire knowledge but yet sometimes we are comfortable using the Aristotelian mean as a way to answer a question? Why is virtue treated separately from, let's say, ethics (objectivity) or aesthetics (subjectivity)?
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