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  1. 'The video owner has blocked it from being shown on FDR.com' By: "AFP News Agency (Rightster)" Use: This link (To YouTube)
  2. I have reached the same conclusion, creativity is the ability to compose "new" from "old" by combining more than one "old" element (existing ideas, knowledge, principles, variables etc.). Deprivation of cognitive "content" would then inevitably lead to reduced practical potential (qualitatively), and the education being based on repetition further reduces the capacity to combine (qualitatively). We don't need to give kids more time... We could take away their artificial emotional stimulants and substitute them with their interests... And the magic happens - you've got 10 year olds reading about transistors, practical calculus, game strategies and so on. But then there is the state... Or:
  3. As a former gamer with thousands of hours in various games... Trying to make the case that most "skill" related insults are racially influenced when you in the majority of todays games don't get to know the skin color of your fellow players... Can only be summed up by a gif.
  4. Not free of non-ideal presentations, but pretty good compared to more modern and hyper-liberal alternatives: "Ice Age" - (Comedy, child entertainment) Funny, morally acceptable, little irrationality in any way (except for the physics and art ) "Spy Kids" - (Comedy, child/youth entertainment) Comedy, sci-fi elements, family oriented "Back To The Future" - (Comedy&fiction, older youth&adult entertainment) Comedy, time travel, sci-fi
  5. I truly don't know how I could break it down further, without looking up the psychological terms for what I'm describing, which I believe is unnecessary. Anyways, what are your thoughts on it?
  6. Gosh you and Rainbow Jamz... Read it again, it's in there! Well yeah I would... As an example, why do you think Stefbot or Albert Einstein has and had no need to invest in their appearance to achieve a standard different or higher than their current/achived? (difficult to find common ground examples here) Dang, these emo-pies who refuse to even post here are sucking the green stuff out of you. Sad to see the FDR forums suffering from these people. Would you contact a moderator about the trolling?
  7. Well yeah, this is very common over the web, or at least I have gathered nothing but evidence and experience that it is over my years of using the web. It's just sad too see how many missed opportunities humanity suffers from high IQ paired with low EI.
  8. Capital gained from aesthetic impressions, rather than ethical and or "personal". As I said, if the tattoo is taken with the purpose of gaining "shallow social capital", I would say it is unlikely that the person has high social value coming from ethical and or personal qualities. I didn't say that someone with tattoos has no red-pill knowledge, I said the individual is unlikely to if their motivation for taking the tattoo was gaining shallow aesthetic social capital in the first place. And of course one can change. Tattoos are not chemical chains to the blue-pill lifestyle and hypocrisy. Considering the dislikes but lack of direct opposition, I suspect I hit a few folks where it hurts. *Entices lurkers to proper discussion*
  9. Buggy


    Hmm. I believe that the major problem is modern society itself. In psychology the concept of Maslow's pyramid of needs still stands as one of the models psychiatrists use to navigate from an individuals current state to their and the ideal state. To reach "self actualization", following needs should be met in this order Physiological Safety Love/belonging Esteem Which needs modern society meets can be debated, however I estimate that the average state of individuals in western societies with average and above financial status is at stage 4. What do you think, considering this:
  10. The hypocrisy is mind bending. I never click a buzzfeed related link without enabling adblock first.
  11. When it comes to short and shallow interactions, here is how I view tattoos: (From my post in another thread)
  12. Simply because there is no collective consensus or goal to keep anarchy. As long as that is in place, it will be impossible to implement a (classical) government.
  13. I've never doubted their culture as the cause for the difference in intelligence. Hopefully the red pill knowledge of this age can bring us a society in which all children have the conditions to develop as current science suggests is optimal. Race and intelligence
  14. Hateful "Tweets" about Darrel Wilson's pregnant wife (TruthRevolt)
  15. This is even more unbelievable... Just came out http://www.infowars.com/professor-says-mike-brown-sacrificed-to-racist-god/
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