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Everything posted by Buggy
What is creativity and how it shapes our future
Buggy replied to FriendlyHacker's topic in Education
I have reached the same conclusion, creativity is the ability to compose "new" from "old" by combining more than one "old" element (existing ideas, knowledge, principles, variables etc.). Deprivation of cognitive "content" would then inevitably lead to reduced practical potential (qualitatively), and the education being based on repetition further reduces the capacity to combine (qualitatively). We don't need to give kids more time... We could take away their artificial emotional stimulants and substitute them with their interests... And the magic happens - you've got 10 year olds reading about transistors, practical calculus, game strategies and so on. But then there is the state... Or: -
25 Invisible Benefits of Gaming While Male
Buggy replied to shirgall's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
As a former gamer with thousands of hours in various games... Trying to make the case that most "skill" related insults are racially influenced when you in the majority of todays games don't get to know the skin color of your fellow players... Can only be summed up by a gif. -
Not free of non-ideal presentations, but pretty good compared to more modern and hyper-liberal alternatives: "Ice Age" - (Comedy, child entertainment) Funny, morally acceptable, little irrationality in any way (except for the physics and art ) "Spy Kids" - (Comedy, child/youth entertainment) Comedy, sci-fi elements, family oriented "Back To The Future" - (Comedy&fiction, older youth&adult entertainment) Comedy, time travel, sci-fi
Gosh you and Rainbow Jamz... Read it again, it's in there! Well yeah I would... As an example, why do you think Stefbot or Albert Einstein has and had no need to invest in their appearance to achieve a standard different or higher than their current/achived? (difficult to find common ground examples here) Dang, these emo-pies who refuse to even post here are sucking the green stuff out of you. Sad to see the FDR forums suffering from these people. Would you contact a moderator about the trolling?
Capital gained from aesthetic impressions, rather than ethical and or "personal". As I said, if the tattoo is taken with the purpose of gaining "shallow social capital", I would say it is unlikely that the person has high social value coming from ethical and or personal qualities. I didn't say that someone with tattoos has no red-pill knowledge, I said the individual is unlikely to if their motivation for taking the tattoo was gaining shallow aesthetic social capital in the first place. And of course one can change. Tattoos are not chemical chains to the blue-pill lifestyle and hypocrisy. Considering the dislikes but lack of direct opposition, I suspect I hit a few folks where it hurts. *Entices lurkers to proper discussion*
Hmm. I believe that the major problem is modern society itself. In psychology the concept of Maslow's pyramid of needs still stands as one of the models psychiatrists use to navigate from an individuals current state to their and the ideal state. To reach "self actualization", following needs should be met in this order Physiological Safety Love/belonging Esteem Which needs modern society meets can be debated, however I estimate that the average state of individuals in western societies with average and above financial status is at stage 4. What do you think, considering this:
Does this video make men look bad or good?
Buggy replied to shirgall's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
The hypocrisy is mind bending. I never click a buzzfeed related link without enabling adblock first. -
Conquering anarchist "countries"
Buggy replied to Eddie Brock's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Simply because there is no collective consensus or goal to keep anarchy. As long as that is in place, it will be impossible to implement a (classical) government. -
I've never doubted their culture as the cause for the difference in intelligence. Hopefully the red pill knowledge of this age can bring us a society in which all children have the conditions to develop as current science suggests is optimal. Race and intelligence
Hateful "Tweets" about Darrel Wilson's pregnant wife (TruthRevolt)
This is even more unbelievable... Just came out http://www.infowars.com/professor-says-mike-brown-sacrificed-to-racist-god/
Judgements based on Appearance (this time, it's for real!)
Buggy replied to hannahbanana's topic in Philosophy
... Some of the choices that can be made by an individual when it comes to constructing appearance will not tell you anything concise if you do not know some basic psychology and don't interact to gain information about the person. There are "simulations" you can do using basic psychology to create very plausible generalizations without interacting. For example, a tattoo is almost always taken for the purpose of adding to one's shallow social capital, in some way. It is therefore reasonable to assume that any individual with a tattoo is socially integrated in society. If an individual is socially integrated in our current western society, the individual is unlikely to host any "red-pill" knowledge or point of views. The same applies to overweight individuals. Being overweight and wanting to stay alive is somewhat of a contradiction. The individual is most likely not aware of this consciously. Being overweight is therefore usually a sign of lack of knowledge and awareness, which again is fueled by society, which again makes it much less plausible that the individual has any "red-pill" knowledge or awareness. The individual is also highly unlikely to be mentally healthy per clinical western standards. And that is as much as you need to get into it (qualitatively), as social conformity is a huge deal when it comes to why people behave and live like they do. As Stefan put it a few shows ago, people are basically "inanimate objects" when it comes to behavior, as they have no self knowledge or intellectual path to review their actions. They go with the herd and their emotions. You say X and you get Y, always. All we need is to gain critical mass in number of people having self knowledge, and society will socially come to a dead stop when looking at its own animalistic functioning. -
One of the key issues here is the set of incentives your son has to adapt to the new behavior. The western social environment of this era will not do that for you. One of the reasons why physical punishment is so effective for changing behavior, is that it gives strong incentive to do the opposite of what triggers the pain. The stronger the pain, the greater the effect. With more consistency in practicing punishment (quantitatively), the more unconscious fear and "motivation" will be generated. This also applies to peaceful parenting, but here the overall outcome of the parenting will be exponentially healthier and more rewarding for both parties. I would get wifey involved in red pill knowledge. Look at the research which shows the positive effects of peaceful parenting and traditional family structure with your wife - give her incentives to change. Facts that guarantee a better outcome is one aspect, but becoming virtuous in this area of personal attributes is another. I would here recommend Stefans content, more specifically UPB. Remember - peaceful parenting is prefered, and UPB slaps you around if you try declaring anything but that which is prefered for one self as preferable for others without sufficient reason. Magic As to shifting incentives, I am no expert nor certified worker in clinical psychology, but I know some relevant general mechanisms that can be played. 1. His social interactions defines to him what is socially acceptable. His behavior has probably already been accepted, so you are not dealing with "acceptable" or "unacceptable". You are dealing with him being either satisfied with his social position or not. Do not take yes for an answer here, he has probably already developed defenses for dealing with this internally from the external. It is important to recognize that this behavior is rarely the most preferred behavior, both for the individual and group. If he is interested in, or when he gets interested in girls, you can refer to the general culture of feminised men to shift his idea of or invalidate his experience of aggressive men being the most liked. A better course overall, I would say. 2. Giving him a chance to get out - get him into some hobby, sports or intellectual field of his interest. Be hesitant of sponsoring choices that strongly deviate from past interests and personal trends, they are likely to be temporary interests, lusts and other fluctuations. Make sure you model whatever choice he takes as socially acceptable. You want to integrate this in his actual and ideal social identity and get it socially reinforced in his everyday life. Suggestions: Football, RC models, art, strong habits as going to waterparks, cinemas, team sports. Should be a field in which advancements can be made for some years. generally, the more common this is culturally, the easier the integration will be. Consider cost, time and availability. 3. Confess to potential negative experiences. Tell him about what you would feel if he behaved like that to you. Do not involve any social aspect, like "I would feel ashamed if you...", "Your class considers you...", "Your grandparents thinks you..." etc. This will make him question his social experience and may cause serious issues like personality disorders in later developmental stages. In other words, tell him your feelings - evoke empathy. Lastly, I would also attempt to get him curios of philosophy, or reasoning and truth in general. Also, do not underestimate the value of concepts and the abstract. I would strongly recommend working to increase his intellect in this way.
LOL, that last part Awesome.
Yes. The mechanism of social conformity is by far the most impactful mechanism that can be employed in todays society to effect the average person. Nothing is as diverse, hard hitting and difficult to see through as this, as it is fundamental to human operation in the higher stages of needs (See: Maslow's pyramid of needs). This is a single facet of human behavior which in our time of living governs the majority (quantitatively and qualitatively) of typical peoples behavior, which is primarily why the push for "red pill knowledge" in general is so important, pretty much regardless of the content. An individual realizing this usually takes the path of breaking with the mind control employed by the mind control machine (and f.ex this) to some degree, and will resist further invasion of personal and collective freedom in all forms. And, If our freedom is taken, our ability to to give back complete freedom is taken. *Nostalgic tuba*
Interesting. I experienced this too. Due to my religious family background, I was psychologically extremely challenged in submitting social feedback to the group, and I slowly became the punching bag (metaphorically) in the group - Mainly because the group did not know my boundaries. After some time though, the importance of social cliques were amplified in them and I was "left behind". Empathy and sympathy increased proportionally with the degree to which i was abandoned socially - eventually to an abnormal extent - showing me the true nature of the relationships we had. By my quick analysis of In the context of your post(s), some Orange flags are lit. I would ask myself some questions, and let my feelings and reactions answer: How comfortable would I be walking the streets locally in shorts without my fiance, assuming I had not been with her nor any other woman for a year? What clothes would I be the most comfortable in while failing at something while being watched? How often do I think about this aspect of my legs? Does it change my mood "positively"? Why did I choose to exert such a high amount of energy when writing about my current opinion of my legs?
The logical meaning of "provocation" that you posted is neutral in the spectrum of human emotion. To give rise to a reaction or emotion, with the addendum of: "typically a strong or unwelcome one". To provoke: I can start a B52 or I can start a charity campaign. Regarding It depends on the intention. If Stefan tells a joke, i.e he says something which he believes will be interpreted or seen as humorous, he has attempted to provoke in a teasing manner, because a "playful manner" (teasing) can involve humor. This is assuming that the "Joke" was meant for social participants, and not solely for one self.
I don't have much job experience due to my age, but is it not possible to just violate the beauty of the scheme and application layouts and just write: "1 offence: Drove without license plate". I mean there are people reading these, which have standards pushed by the corporation in question for application handling, and even if "Criminal Record: Yes" is a no-go with a company, the worker processing it might pass the application on through based on the fact that your violation was pretty damn insignificant? I'm not totally sure this is how it works though. If these are digital applications to large companies using software for easy variable processing, I imagine they have a server system for filtering various combinations and correlationcoefficients, which disables your option to do this though. Just trying to help - Buggy
Hi J-William, I "guesstimate" she's an older woman, as in 60-80, as you look like you're 30-35 years old to me, assuming your avatar is a portrait of you. Now I think we can agree to establish the point of view that the three most harmful things potentially coming from her to the world as she is as a person at the moment is: physical disciplining of children, teaching/somehow getting other/future mothers to do the same and then the other negative effects her personality has on the world around her. Now she's not very likely to get or have children, by my previous assumptions and which I extract from your choice of words in describing her as old. But is she around children a lot? Does she watch children for periods of time, does she meet children somehow regularly, is she involved with them in any way where she is allowed to discipline and more importantly discipline with the method of her choice as a parental or temporary parental figure? If she is in contact with children, in any way, I'd spend time on her. Contact with future mothers. If she's a female authority in the family in any way to a stronger degree or a person of importance above the other members, due to her age, financial and/or social situation/position or for any other reason, and she is in contact with potential future/present mothers, I'd engage. She may influence the mothers with this, especially if the mothers are younger and/or weak in such a way that it makes their duties as a mother challenging in some way. We know how it can be directly tempting for certain personalities to adopt aggressiveness as method of raising children. I'd argue that she can potentially put that method to the table for other mothers which may influence them negatively or get them to adopt the method or parts of it. In relevance, I took some time to write this summary; Essentially, the parent is forcing behavior that the parent thinks is right onto a child and expects it to follow it as a result of the constant passive-aggressive threat of physical violence causing pain which in nature inevitably generates fear, if strong enough which it always is and must be to have an effect, of future pain from the same source and for the same reason, usually not and not necessarily with any explanation or intellectual reasoning attached. This is done instead of using the much more demanding method of using intellectual understanding and human nature, which with the agenda of creating a mentally healthy and intelligent (per this zeitgeist standard) adult after an 18 year long childhood requires you to spend large amounts of time with your child in order to give it facts, experimental (for the child) ways of schematically process, categorize and socially relate to informational interpretation and do their reasoning to end up with answers ending in the realm of reality, regarding all matters from moral to theoretical fission physics to philosophical reasoning. The latter method is quite a mouthful. But as we know, Horse + Horse + Sex = Horse(s) and malfunctioning humans getting to shape other humans through child upbringings equals new malfunctioning humans with negative experiences and/or effects on the world around them (Statistically). At least until someone saves them. A persons attributes, as we in the science of mental life say, is a generalization of a person which lets us predict what a person is likely to do and even make a picture of what the subject has done. Almost all attributes a person has, is displayed in observable behavior and observable social behavior. Without going on in to too much detail, if her opinion was formed by her conscious reasoning and logic, she is not only responsible for the damages it causes to others when she acts on it, she is also fundamentally shaped and changed, away from our biological interhuman standards and instincts. This will affect her to some degree, in all behavior and here especially social behavior. Inevitably, acting on the belief itself causes damage to others, but statistically the chances of this not having any negative effects on her and others in contact with her socially and others affected by her behavior somehow, is extremely small, especially when considering the belief itself and especially if she has acted on it. I'd find out, and act. And even if that is irrelevant or not in your consideration, where (who) should we start and why there, when wanting to change this in the world? (A recent podcast with Stefan mentioned and gave an answer to this.) /firstpost here! - Buggy