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  1. There is no proof that I don't have an invisible dragon in my garage. Feel free to send me donations for food.
  2. Why is everyone completely ignoring "Libertarian Socialist"?
  3. *wife *her But other than that, Alan makes a crucial point here, it's very important to mull these things over.
  4. I'm very sorry to hear that, it might very well be that your learning disability stems from being a shaken baby. There are definitely ways to deal with such things and it'd be advantageous to find a personal coach that can help you with your studies. Consider asking your teacher if there are any resources you could make use of because of your disability.
  5. I'm pretty certain you don't see two pieces of uranium 235 "banging together quite frequently". You're oversimplifying atom bombs.
  6. I've been in exactly this situation after being "deconverted" by Dawkins and Hitchens, this feeling you have right now will fade with time. Try to be empathetic to your religious family and understand that it is hard and painful for older people to let go of something they've been with their entire lives. It is unlikely you're going to convince an entire family to stop believing what they believe, it is much more likely if you raise your children to be thinkers, they will grow up and reject the religion of their grandparents. Also try not to drive a wedge between your wife and her parents, if tension runs high and they point a finger at you this will only impact your relationship with your wife (and perhaps children) in a negative way.
  7. I have the feeling that "furry fandom" goes farther than just dressing up as anthropomorphic animals, it usually involves roleplaying a "persona" (fursona for insiders) they invented. More often than not it seems to be familial/romantic/sexual roleplay that furries are most interested in, inventing families (mothers, fathers, sisters, etc) for their fursona, consisting of a network of other "people/fursonas" on the internet as a form of family roleplay. I personally think people interested in roleplaying a family with strangers on the internet is missing a family in real life. I'm not a furry, have read a bit about them here and there.
  8. I'm very sorry to hear you've been treated this way as a child. Shaking babies can lead to neurological damage or death, however, since you are still here and are capable of forming coherent sentences I think your brain is physically fine. I have no idea if it might have psychological effects though, but I can imagine that finding out your dad used to maliciously shake you is enough cause for you to reconsider your treatment in childhood.
  9. Nobody is claiming that mathematics are anything else but a descriptive tool.
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