Hi aleles, thank you!
Actually, bitcoin helped me to discover FDR. Someone in my twitter feed posted a speech made by Stefan a few month ago. Here it is http://youtu.be/joITmEr4SjY?list=PLMNj_r5bccUzhGeXF4EThVrc_iW9PcApr
To be honest, I didn't quite like Stef at the beginning, probably because of his humor that I couldn't get at first… Be the things he talked about made me curious, i thought "wow, that guy has some explanations".
At around the same time, my girlfriend had left me. We had been dating for a bit more than two years. I proposed to her and she said "yes", but a few month after she basically took off. That was a big shock to me, and I promised myself to figure out what happened, what did I do wrong and what can I do to not let it happen again. I did try therapy, which helped a little. But what helped the most were Stef's podcasts.
So, that's how I got here. I think that I'm only at the beginning right now. I educate myself, absorb the information, but do not talk about it with the people around me yet. Probably because I already know that I'll stay alone if I start to. And that is scary.
Well, that's about it
Hi st434u!
Russia is the same police state as the US today. Life is cheaper here, but the level of life is much lower as well.