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  1. The government has successfully gotten rid of the base camp at Mong Kok but are still having problems at Admiralty. I think that apathy is setting in for most of Hong Kong as the daily life of people there are not really being affected. Although a lot of people are awakening to a lot of problems... They still don't understand the root of the problem. I had someone say to me that the police are not supposed to use the weapons on the students, even though, he astutely recognized that the weapons were given to the police by the people in the first place...
  2. Hi everyone. I have recently been reading a comic book called the private eye. In the story, everyone wears disguises when they go outside because of facial recognition technology being everywhere. I think that this may well also be the case in the next few years where people can be identified immediately wherever they go. I've been trying to think of privacy and why it is important but I'm having problems making a universal moral rule about it. Obviously, I'd like to keep my privacy as private as possible but other than that, I can't seem to think of a better reason. What do you think?
  3. People are still voting with their feet or however you want to put it. There are thousands of people from China immigrating to Hong Kong still even with all the turmoil. That tells me that people still think Hong Kong is better than mainland China. In regards to peaceful parenting, China and Hong Kong are years behind compared to places like Sweden or Canada so it may take many more years.
  4. Yah, I consider Mong Kok to be more downtown-ish because of it's location geographically compared to the major roads and the rest of Hong Kong but there is no official downtown that I'm aware of. In regards to the topic at hand, the protests are continuing and there are provocateurs and accusations of the mafia getting involved. It's constant updates every second on most channels here. I'm not sure how many days this can go on for. The other angle that isn't being discussed much is the fact that many people have businesses in those areas completely closed down during all of this. So these owners are complaining and getting into minor altercations. I was watching a video and a woman even said that the protestors were all students taking their tax money that she "gave." I just had to laugh... It was taken from you, not given.
  5. Currently, there is a lot of action going on in Hong Kong. People are protesting because they say they want to be able to vote for who they want. Currently, Beijing says they will allow Hong Kong to vote between 3 different directly appointed possibilities and this has riled the people of Hong Kong. Since the 28th of September of 2014, there has been around 80 000 people camping out in the Admiralty government district and it has also spread to Mong Kok, which could be called the downtown area of Hong Kong. Now, I really appreciate the passion and the idealism of the protestors. What I want to know is, is it better to win this small battle, even though Government is immoral, or is it better to hold out for the main contest. What do you guys think?
  6. Stefan could answer this but it probably doesn't have a lot of value. These exercises are fun to think of but consequentailly, they probably don't have much value. Remember, we have war, hatred, violence and a whole bunch of other things currently occuring so should these hypotheticals take precedence? The questions I would want to know to this apparently arbitrary question is why are there only two options? Why do I have to choose either to save 1 person or 5 people? Can't I try to save them all? Can I call someone or try something else? If they all die, I did nothing wrong as I did not initiate the events, nor did I have the intent to do something malicious.
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