From time to time we come across statements that we know (or feel) make no (economical, moral, ...) sense, or are outright absurd.
When I do I always wish I could come up with an analogy that points out the absurdity of given statement.
The most recent for me was "government gives jobs to hundreds of thousands of people".
What would be the analogy here to explain that government adds zero because it does not produce anything, makes nothing (productive) more effective?
I guess both meanings of the statement could use some addressing:
- Government gives jobs to people (meaning people working for government)
- Government creates jobs (by steering the economy)
Would you know, please?
Another one I "love" is "If you think the state is treating you like a property why don't you move out?" I heard Tom Woods making analogy in one of his videos saying it would be like your mom responding "just don't play there" when you tell her you & other kids are bullied on the playground, But maybe there's shorter version...?
I love this stuff so if you have your own "popular cases" (stupid statement + witty analogy), please do share them!