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  1. Hi In case you don't know this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzOnXvfwc32YEiwTe_8Nf-g so far it seems like another well of common sense Two examples: Cheers JZ
  2. I wish we lived in a world where "does not make a sense" meant "does not stand a chance".
  3. This might be just a feeling, but I got this impression that contracts between individuals are less and less honored by authorities; i.e. a contract between you and your wife can be tossed out of the window because court does not like it for some reason... (Which goes well along with the patronizing approach to citizens "and their sovereignity and freedoms lulz".) I wonder if maybe we are heading towards a society where you won't even be in position, or authorized should I say, to make any contracts on yuor behalf at all, let alone a contract with state. "A contract? What do you mean by contract?"
  4. I like this part of her story: Did Anita Sarkeesian Fake Death Threats Against Herself?
  5. Worth of watching IMO, which also applies to the channel, Sargon of Akkad
  6. Hello From time to time we come across statements that we know (or feel) make no (economical, moral, ...) sense, or are outright absurd. When I do I always wish I could come up with an analogy that points out the absurdity of given statement. The most recent for me was "government gives jobs to hundreds of thousands of people". What would be the analogy here to explain that government adds zero because it does not produce anything, makes nothing (productive) more effective? I guess both meanings of the statement could use some addressing: - Government gives jobs to people (meaning people working for government) - Government creates jobs (by steering the economy) Would you know, please? Another one I "love" is "If you think the state is treating you like a property why don't you move out?" I heard Tom Woods making analogy in one of his videos saying it would be like your mom responding "just don't play there" when you tell her you & other kids are bullied on the playground, But maybe there's shorter version...? I love this stuff so if you have your own "popular cases" (stupid statement + witty analogy), please do share them! Cheers Jarda
  7. They actually wanted to bring him to where I live. And just yesterday I "made a fool of myself" by commenting that I can't wrap my head around the concept of "parents kidnapping their children", which is how our news described the events. Yh, I have to admit I got a bit more annoyed with the world since I had mine.
  8. For me it was something rather insignificant. In the most recent census in my country people were asked to reveal stuff like "how many of this/that you own, how large is your kitchen?"... And what made me anrgy (+ignore the census) was that there was a threat of penalty (cca $500) if you don't hand the information requested. I don't know of anyone actually being subject to any penalty but I was ready (lol, I believed I was) to keep refusing to obey anything that might come, even if it meant I end up in jail. Ofc. no penalty ever landed on my head so my determination did not get tested, but I was "on my way" anyways... That was when I realized we are a property of the state. I wish I knew the right words to express how absurd this is when talking to people. I don't think any words could turn me over few years ago.
  9. (My apology if there is already a similar thread.) I wonder what was the moment for you when you went "WTF is this $hit? Why is my government acting like I'm its property?"
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