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Everything posted by JordanS

  1. Video in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ujBjcgP3hs This is one of the travesties with the black community that i don't see in any other demographic, not to make this a cultural thing but the bad philosophy is almost palpable. Beating a child in order to teach them to not beat others. You guys can clearly see the contradictions so i won't go into it. What i find almost worse than that is the fact that in the black community this is seen a 'good parenting' as the video above demonstrates from its title. From an 80 IQ level, stopping your child from joining a gang by physically traumatising them could be seen as a step up, but from our vantage point, the whole situation is a travesty. What do you think of this? What would a peaceful parent have done? Is it too late for communities like this?
  2. Thanks for the no spoilers! I think you are referring to the tunnel right? Yes that is different from what Stefan describes in terms of it not being the concious choice to destroy ones self but rather a lack of foresight into how present decisions will lead to future outcomes, outcomes that may be fatal. Reading Atlas at the moment, one of my favourite books already Yes it seems he went to an extreme when he was talking, but it is most likely this phenomenon of an individual inadvertently doing acts that lead to their own demise. Even if this is the fact, has Rand suggest that there is some motive for the self-destruction or rather it is simply the consequence of a lack of foresight?
  3. Stef has said multiple times there are studies that show this link. Does anyone know of these sources he is referencing? Thanks
  4. In this pod-cast Stef touches upon the Ayn Rand 'People Want To Die' Philosophy around 5:27 in. I was wondering if anyone could point me towards the origins of this this work by Rand so i can read more about it.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UahI-ZU__gE&feature=youtu.be The School of Thought Project. Setting up free virtual schools for kids to question all schools of thought and engage in critical thinking.
  6. Thanks, i've been meaning to read RTR, i'll post back with the result.
  7. So in your opinion, you should not say "You should apologise for my abusive childhood"? Not necessarily with your Dad, just generally.
  8. Yeah it's clever satire, though the teeming masses may not be able to cognize the subtlety and think this is normal behaviour.
  9. Great, thanks for this!
  10. Ok, and what if the parent has not apologised? Do you solicited an apology from them? Interesting about the separate therapy, then family therapy aspect.
  11. It stems from the scarcity mentality. How are you with lending money, and or helping other people with no immediate value for yourself?
  12. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone had experience with having therapy with their parent with them. I don't know if this classifies as a different sort of therapy or you can just have your parent attend your sessions but my mother is open to it and i was wondering if this helped you progress.
  13. I would say the best way for us to converse together frequently would be an online platform with video or only audio. Is this going on at the moment?Would anyone be interested in a weekly online meetup? Thanks
  14. I live in Copenhagen, Anyone around to meet? PM me if you like
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