This thread saddens me.
My Grandfather who was still alive at the time knew they would fall. He was a structural engineer for most of his life.
I watched the second plane hit with my wife on the Today Show in my bedroom. I'm certain they didn't manipulate everybody at NBC who had randomly switched to a live feed right beforehand. I remember distinctly, My wife said "Is that plane" Me "looks like it" *boom* it hit.
My friend from college was driving to the pentagon when the plane flew nearly overhead. He helped pull people out of the rubble.
Seriously, the whole point of Anarcho Capitalism/Libertarianism etc. is that government isn't capable of pulling of complex things. The coordination required to pull of what is detailed in this thread is not possible. If you believe it is you better become a statist ASAP.
Sure, a bunch of contractors put in explosives.
The planes were hijacked and taken somewhere nobody knows about.
Aircraft Controllers were paid off.
10s of civilian videos were doctored and those owners and those in the videos were paid off.
The SEC/CIA/etc.etc. all acted in unison to doctor records, etc. etc. w/only a few people talking
Engineers from all over the globe back what happened.
Sure, that happened.