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CalebSC last won the day on March 18 2017

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    Survival skills, wild edibles, medicinal herbs. Nutrition, health, and vegetarianism. Swimming. Books about psychology (Freud, Alexander Lowen, Nathaniel Branden). Books by Frank Herbert. Sherlock Holmes (the Basil Rathbone series). James Bond movies.
  • Occupation
    Exterior house repair

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  1. dysfunc_survivor, how are you confirming that these crimes were committed by immigrants?
  2. There are a handful of videos that I use to troll posts on facebook with when I think it can help spread valuable information about Islam. Included among these are a few Stefan Molyneux videos, a few Geert Wilders videos, a few Paul Joseph Watson vids, Alex Jones vids, Pat Condell vids, and other ones by non famous people. I also have text from each one so I can post the video and text with it, for more impact, especially to ensure that more information gets across to people's frontal lobes before they go into full trigger mode. My intention is to find as many places, as many posts, as possible to engage people in arguments about Islam and mass immigration, and the soft jihad. And I always try to post something that solidly dovetails off of what their post is, so it seems more like an actual response (which it is) rather than just hard trolling or spaming. Hopefully my trolling does some good. Here I am going to post one of the videos I use often and the text I include with it: "The radical teaching in the Mosque will entice the others to follow it. That's the problem. We have too many Mosques here, and the Imams at the Mosques teach hate, violence against nonbelievers. This is what goes on in the mainstream mosques. That's all there is to it. They preach hate. Their purpose of being here is not to teach love. It's not to teach to be good. It's to bring down the West. This is what they want to do. Islam wants to DOMINATE. Domination is the core value of Islam. Islam has always been like that, since the prophet Muhammed times. It's always been about hate; always been about violence. When prophet Muhammed brought Islam, he brought a militant cult that is BASED on violence. It's not Islamaphobia when they're trying to kill you. That's not Islamaphobia. They are trying to kill you. CAIR, and the majority of student-Muslim organizations here in the United States, are basically derivatives of the Muslim Brotherhood, which started in Egypt; these are all connected together. There's a huge network of Islamic radicals around the world. The ultimate goal of Islam is the domination around the world. Saudi Arabia spends millions of dollars here building Mosques left and right. They are giving books of Islam to the students. They are capturing our youth. All professors are liberals. They are helping these guys. They are together. And they are trying to culturally invade America. They are invading us right now with what they call "soft-jihad". The "hard-jihad" was 9-11. The soft-jihad now is culturally. They are trying to change our culture, and when the time comes, they will use the hard-jihad. There has been almost 20,000 Islamic terrorisms since 9-11, around the world. Basically it's on a daily basis."
  3. That was a video of Bob Monkhouse. I didn't embed the video right. He's a great comedian. There's a documentary about him called The Secret Life of Bob Monkhouse. His style of comedy was to memorize tons of jokes, rather than improvising and going with his own flow. He was successful. But in the documentary they make an interesting comment that maybe he was actually deeply afraid of running out of stuff to say, and that he found more comfort in knowing that he had lots of "ammo" than anything else. So there's something unnatural about it. He was obsessed with collecting jokes, in writing and on film. He was one of the first people to do home recordings of TV, even before home cassette recorders were on the market. Although his obsession may have been pathological to a certain degree, I admire his determination to preserve something that he regarded as special and valuable, which in fact is special and valuable I believe. In a more direct way of how this relates to you, I have a buddy who is in the Army who has picked up a lot of women. I asked him what his approach to it is. Basically what it boiled down to was entertaining them and making them laugh, according to him. That makes sense. A good interaction with a woman is going to include a lot of laughter. That opens up a whole spectrum of things, but for some reason, the first thing that came to my mind was Bob Monkhouse. Take it for what it's worth. In any case, I think you'll enjoy checking out some Bob Monkhouse videos.
  4. I love this guy... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZyWNnjJ2ln4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. Love, Sex and Your Heart is a great book. Fear of Life and Betrayal of the Body are also top notch books.
  6. Troubador, potassium is a good suggestion. I knew two people who had nightmares every night and when I got them to take 6 potassiums a day, the nightmares went away. I worked like a magic bullet. I honestly doubt that it would work in this case, but it'd be worth a try.
  7. Wow, I never really thought of it like that. Thanks Goldenages, this opens up a lot for me to think about!
  8. I've read cases studies of psychological patients that saw the hostile look of their parents face during therapy. Basically, the patient was asked to make a gesture of reaching out for love, and a feeling of terror came over them, and the therapist asked them what they felt or saw. And the patient said they saw their mother's face looking at them with hatred in their eyes. So what you want to do is reach out to this woman for love. And the research I have done shows that for many people, trying to reach out for love evokes childhood memories of when their parents reacted with hostility to them when they sought love from their parents. Read Alexander Lowen for more on this. I'm deeply sorry if this is the case for you. I pray that you can get this girl if you feel that strongly about her.
  9. Science does not deserve the credit for improving human life. The free market deserves that credit. Studying black holes does nothing to improve human life. Nor does the study of dark matter, god particles, the reproductive cycles of sea urchins, quantum physics, hyperspace, etc. The study of science, and the conducting of experiments can require a large amount of resources. So if large amounts of resources are being used in the name of science outside of the free market, that is not going to be good. Actually that will be bad. Government subsidized research especially is bogus much of the time. Take for instance the large amount of tax money going into studies which try to prove that criminals are innocent because they have a medical condition of the brain. Science will only improve human life when it is being guided by people who are dedicated to serving people's needs in an effective way. And pretty much the only place where you find people who are dedicated to serving people's needs in an effective way is in the free market.
  10. Frank Herbert wrote a series of books that deal with that very question, among others. It's a trilogy called the Pandora Sequence. But the trilogy is preceded by a book called Destination Void. Long story short, in Destination Void, humans create a computerized brain that turns into a god. Then that same god demands all humans to worship it. The books delve into the thought process of the god and why it wants to be worshipped. I recommend reading these books. It's a good read. Entirely fictional of course. 1 - Destination Void 2 - The Jesus Incident 3 - The Lazarus Effect 4 - Ascension Factor
  11. Christianity as a social construct is not immune to being governed by the lowest common denominator, as is demonstrated here.
  12. Thanks. I've been studying for the CompTIA A+ recently, and I'm definitely going to get that certification! I'm not totally sure what I'll do with it after though! Maybe I'll get a career in computer work, or maybe it will just be a supplementary skill that I have, I don't really know. I'm looking at a two-week class that will teach me what I need to pass the test, but I'll have plenty of time to study for the test on my own before I am able to afford that class, and perhaps I will get to the point of being able to take the test without taking the class first. ... A two week class which is designed to make me pass a test would hardly be able to give me the knowledge to be a badass computer dude, so I suppose that will either come with on the job experience, or perhaps I will continue my training at college...
  13. We chatted today and had our first actual conversation. She's curious about me and asked me a little bit about myself. It was a brief pleasant conversation. I'm not making any moves yet though. My sense of timing I think is something that gets me in trouble a lot. I don't know how fast or how slow I should move...
  14. She's a former coworker of mine. We don't really know each other but we're used to each other's presence. Now I don't work there anymore but I drop in from time to time. My interest in her is based on just what I can see with my eyes, as I do not actually know anything about her life other than what her job is. I am attracted to her physically, she is roughly my age, and she looks about as good as me so we probably rank the same on the physical attractiveness scale. And also, my trained eye hasn't been able to detect anything wrong with her. When I use my trained eye, I can often detect personality flaws of people within seconds of looking at them. I've known her for a little while now and I haven't really detected anything wrong with her. That being said, I do often pursue a woman even after I have detected significant personality flaws. I just make a point to always be aware of the problems I may run into because of that. Now I know I'm about to get a bunch of people replying, "Oh, you said you would pursue a woman that you know has problems! You shouldn't do that! That means you don't have confidence!". Well, the way I see it is that emotional intelligence has to develop and grow somehow, and I don't believe that my willingness to go after someone who has problems is necessarily a bad thing. Maybe it is a bad thing, but at least I don't delude myself and make myself blind to the problems as if they don't exist. That's a complex issue that I could elaborate more on... But back to the woman I was thinking about writing a note to... She doesn't seem to really have any personality flaws. The word spotless comes to mind. But she isn't a bright shining epitome of courage either from what I can tell. I'm just guessing. I want a relationship. I don't want my future to look like my past. I'll deal with my past hopefully when I start therapy. I have my first appointment for therapy booked with a choice therapist. I don't want to show up to a relationship with a bunch of baggage from my past. By baggage I mean emotional wounds and broken heart. I've really slowed down on chasing women since I've booked my therapy appointment... And as for people who are telling me that I should just get more confidence and actually walk up to women, should go back and read my comment more carefully. I have walked up to women face to face and asked them out more times than I can count. Probably a good chance that I've taken that approach more times that you all have. There is no gimmicky trick that's going to help me with that because the issue is much deeper and more psychological.
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