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  1. After having spent a few weeks on this board, I went from supposedly libertarian, to a true statist. The arguments I was exposed to and the experience I had made me realize that the state, as an abstraction, not the way it is implemented, is far preferable than dealing with individual libertarians. This whole experience was an eye opener.
  2. And if I publish what you wrote under my name on my website, is it binding?
  3. Anyone who is familiar with Madoff. If the guy has to reimburse people, he will never get the $100. So this is a fraudulent claim.
  4. If you cannot convince someone that 2+2=4, then, you must not be a good teacher. Besides, I was always a good learner.
  5. You know what, I came to this board after having listen to Stefan’s podcast. I thought that I was a libertarian. Thanks to all the discussion over these past few weeks, I realized that I am no longer a libertarian. I find this very strange. How can one become less libertarian after having listened to brilliant libertarians? Do you have a comment about this? What about other people, who are even less receptive to libertarian ideas, how will you convince them that we should go stateless? You succeeded in making me completely skeptical about libertarianism, and no longer willing to look into this direction. I am now beginning even to question peaceful parenting with my own kids. Thank you all.
  6. How can I personally defend these women and kids who are being butchered?
  7. Did the American land on the moon? This may sound like a trick on my side but the incentive to stage it for the Americans at the time, during the cold war, was even higher than for 9/11.
  8. How do we defend the civilians that are being butchered in the Middle East and Africa?
  9. How do you help people defend themselves without killing the aggressors?
  10. I meant, with more tyre companies, there would not be more tyres sold. I was answering WorBlux. I was not talking about my inventions. My inventions do not make people buy more tyres. Actually, tyres last a tiny bit longer when they incorporate my improvement/technology. But the difference is not perceivable to the user.
  11. Suppose they simply say it is their continent, just like native Indians could have said.
  12. What if some people in this libertarian society are completely horrified by what is going on in this free world? Should they witness unarmed people, weak people, kids and women being butchered?
  13. So, you all believe that the videos were doctored by CNN, that no planes hit the WTC, that planes were vaporized somewhere else, that a nuclear bomb was used and so on? What about the terrorists, where they all brainwashed using the most advanced techniques, so that they do not remember that they actually did not participate in 9/11?
  14. 1. What would it change, the total number of tyres would be the same. 2. I do not want to make only one million for my 10 year contribution. 3. People would donate to me? 4. I agree that there are not enough independent inventors. 5. In today's society or in a patentless society?
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