It should be obvious that people have a right to come to the defense of innocents anywhere on the planet, and that they have a right to organize to do so. It is also true that forcing others to defend these innocents (via involuntary taxes or conscription) is improper.
But it is likewise improper to force people to build roads, monitor aircraft for safety, punish rapists and thieves, etc. etc.
The ideal is a society that is structured on the basis of perfect consent. This ideal is possible, but not when advocates are preaching a confusion and have no sense of priorities. The first priority is to help people understand how a society based on consent is moral and practical, not to try to end road-building, policing, air traffic control, or protection of innocents abroad (whether or not the US is actually doing this is something that is debated well-enough by those who are not concerned with a perfectly consensual society; it is a waste of time to be dragged into such arguments.)