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Everything posted by NordiCicero

  1. Not really, I've had this discussion with many of my friends in my homecountry and generally speaking its really though to get any new friends when your in your late twenties+. University is a good spot, but after that there are not alot of situations where its natural. How would you go about doing it? You cant "pick up" a same sex friend in a bar as you could with a girl. That would seem kinda wierd. And by friend I mean someone you can casually call up at any time and ask if they wanna go have a beer, as the most natural thing in the world. Meetups for ex-pats etc could work, but political stuff is better. When I lived in Denmark I joined the somewhat libertarian youth movement, mostly for social reasons, and that got me some aqueintances, and there is definitly going to be more of those in the States. But personally I would still recommend Poland, as your sexual market value would be alot higher. And as soon as you have a girlfriend they come with tons of other friends, family-happenings and so on.
  2. London is cold and expensive, so the fact that your salary is higher seems off less significanse with the exception of having some badass two week holiday once a year. Your OP is if its worth relocating for mainly economic reasons - but thats not enough context to make an assessment. Im assuming your single (since you didnt mention anything about a relationship in your first post) - but a social circle is important and really kind of hard to get when your in your late twenties. I moved to Denmark for six months and didnt make many friends, besides my coworkers and flatmates but nothing like the relationships you've built up for years in your own country and from your childhood. Im living in Thailand now, and have made no friends here, except the ones I've imported from my own country to work with me. America im assuming may be different, but its gonna be hard to rebuild a social circle regardless. Your obviously also going to be more sucessfull on the dating market as a high salary local guy then the polish immigrant in America. Given the option of poland or the US, I certainly would go for the US. But if I was Polish and in your spot, I would go for that.
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