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OGMizen last won the day on January 10 2015

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  1. Nice one for the feedback guys I appreciate you taking the time to give it a watch ! I will have to come up with more like this. If anyone has any good suggestions for a video I'm all ears
  2. pretty sure there is an entire thread on the boards that a listener threw together a couple years back that had tons of data about verbal abuse.. hold on. https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/42710-the-truth-about-verbal-abuse/?hl=%2Bverbal+%2Babuse
  3. Just released one of my best videos yet (IMO) and Im pretty sure you guys will get some laughs out of it.. -Its a funny video on ethics and since I always get the best feedback from FDR people I figured I'd post it here. Any criticisms or comments welcome! Please share it as much as you want! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUIFGGOqaYA
  4. Thanks for checking it out everybody Its getting a lot of views compared to other vids. Oh yeh unfortunately its almost pedestrian in its predictability. Single mum, 6 kids, parenting with aggression.. some crazy stuff happens.. Mind blowing plot twists in this one. Really challenges the stereotypes!
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpNccgYiwZc Threw this video together the other day about the baltimore mom who got in the news for hitting her kid in public. Thought you guys might enjoy it. Any feedback would be awesome -Ive already got 1 dislike :'( lol (Mods feel free to move this to another feed if its not suitable here)
  6. No, its really not. That is a complete non-sequitur. The question is whether the arguments stand up to scrutiny, whether they are true or false on their own merits. Even if it were the case that the question is whether or not the 'agenda is in line with free market rationality and not a feeding trough for government largesse' the answer still lands in favour of those arguing that cholesterol consumption is unhealthy. The WAPF/Mark Sisson/Loren Cordain/Peter Attia/Dave Asprey etc. are simply apologists for the meat industry, the gov. subsidizes the meat industry massively, and the meat industry lobbies very heavily against gov. guidelines that recommend reducing meat/egg/dairy consumption. Their agenda is to market products that they KNOW are unsafe (documented in detail on Nfacts.org). Whereas Nutritionfacts.org got its seed funding from a foundation created by a free market entrepeneur.. and its agenda is to put out the best science and let people make up their own minds. So even if we are generous and say that you are right here, the argument still fails. Im probably not going to continue with this btw, debating low carbers has never been a productive use of my time in the past, and I doubt its going to change any time soon.
  7. So Nutritionfacts.org is biased because it was founded on seed money from philanthropists who have environmentalist values? haha.. wow, thats weak. As opposed to orgs like the WAPF whose 'sponsors include grass-fed meat and wild fish producers, as well as health product companies.' and who receive most of their funding from meat/dairy farmers through membership subscriptions? Yeh.. okay. ...and if you are going to reject the evidence based on its funding, you might want to start looking into who is funding the bunk studies that show cholesterol/saturated fat/meat/dairy/egg in a positive light. Dr. Greger cites evidence.. Either refute the evidence or question the funding for the studies themselves.. Dont think that just because an environmentalist is putting money into promoting the science validating a diet which has positive environmental effects that somehow that means they are wrong. Thats a very weak reason for rejecting some very strong science. If Stef gave seed money to fund a channel that promoted the science behind peaceful parenting, would that make the evidence false? I think your bias needs to be questioned more than Dr Gregers.
  8. Grain brain is a terrible book.. and grains are actually protective against Alzheimer's.. Grain brain is just like 'wheat belly' -Just another fad diet book sold to noobs who dont know any better. This video goes into more detail about grains and alzheimers: -(and just for shits n giggles) If you guys are interested in brain health first thing you need to do is avoid eating most (if not all) fish. According to scientific literature fish is the most contaminated food on the planet and the costs outweigh the benefits:
  9. Ahh no way.. thats basically the other end of cornwall haha Yeh Im good man, Ill pm you.
  10. I wish I had more time to go into details, and I wish I had more tales lol not sure how exciting they are either.. I'll give you a broad view of what Ive done in my almost 2 year FDR adventure (a lot of which was spent trying to grasp the ideas and put them into action) I have confronted friends about how they treat their children (hitting, threatening etc.) which wasnt fun in the moment but I did succeed in convincing a female friend to stop hitting her kids, she had hit her first a good few times but by the time her second came I'd managed to convince her not to hit. I love both of her kids immensely and have had a lot of fun interacting with them peacefully.. I taught her some basic principles to help prevent conflicts with her kids (look for the need beneath a behaviour, prevention is everything etc.) and Im sure I influenced her children positively. I pulled up out of the nose dive my life was in ('depression', heavy drug use, social anxiety, etc.) which was hard, but worth it, I now feel happy 95% of the time. Since FDR my life has changed for the better, for example I could never find good conversation regardless of who i spoke to or where I was, now I have pretty deep conversations with people Ive literally met that day! I have very deep conversations with people I know well. I am raising a daughter myself peacefully and have a partner who is great and a 9.9/10 co-parent. She breastfeeds and all that good stuff. My relationship with her has improved a lot but we still have some way to go. I know its not recommended here but I defoo'd my mother (long story) without therapeutic help, (Im literally so poor atm my shoes have huge holes in them and my only coat is rotting which sucks because its winter in england atm which means Im often wet and cold -just have to get that off my chest lol) so I have no money for therapy atm (and havent been able to donate either).. I had to do it though to keep her away from my daughter, I still feel (after a few months now) that it was the right thing to do, I have no regrets. I confronted my dad too, he was much more receptive, said he'd give me all the time I need and thats he is sorry, takes full responsibility and feels ashamed that he didnt break the cycle himself and ended up re-inflicting it on his own kids. So I told him I would reconnect with him at some point but need some space. I do what I can to put forward good arguments and make good content for youtube but I struggle with time constraints right now. Im doing what I can to get off benefits (welfare) right now and Im going into education to train in psychology, I started an access course a few days ago because I fucked up at school and didnt get any grades whatsoever, despite (or more likely because of) my intelligence. So Im doing everything I can to get out of the hole I have grown up in and am doing well so far. Its not all sunshine and rainbows though, Ive wimped out of confronting abusive parents in public once or twice (no hitters, only shouters) and have lost a few relationships in the process. Nobody is perfect n all that. Sorry I cant go into more detail and im sure thats not all ive done, but thats all I can think of right now. Hope it was worth your time! Cheers for the responses ppl!!
  11. I am an an-cap in cornwall.. !!! I live in st austell.. Where are you? As a side note.. I have heard a lot of brits on the FDR shows recently, I wish they'd get on here and start meeting up.. with me.. Immediately if not sooner.
  12. Hello FDR peeps! Unfortunately I dont manage to get on here to speak to you (really dont have the spare time atm) but I drop in occasionally and listen to every show.. Just wanted to show some support to all of you guys and let you know I'm in your corner and doing what I can to fight the good fight. I'll just put this out there and maybe other people have some feedback to give too. Just wanted to say I found Mikes involvement and participation in the newest wednesday show 'Was jesus a libertarian' very enjoyable and that I hope it continues, although there were some moments where all 3 people in the convo were kind of fighting to speak, I think overall it made the show more entertaining and engaging than usual and I just wanted to see if anyone else had a similar experience or if it was just me? I like the banter and chats that Mike and Stef have and a part of me thinks it would be fun to have an occasional show where Mike and Stef just sit about for an hour and shoot the shit, make fun of stuff and talk about recent topics, There is so much going on these days and I think it would be a good way to cover a lot of topics in a more broad and humorous way. (Im not trying to imply that Stef talks too much or that the show is boring or somehow not funny, I just enjoy the back and forth between Stef and Mike so much I would listen to a whole show of just that) Let me know what you guys think.. I may not be able to reply much but I'll definitely drop by again and read any replies. Is this something other people would want to hear or am I alone on this? Either way, keep up the good work and hope you are all having a good new year! All the best from my trench to yours! Hugs n Kisses n Unicorns!!
  13. I think if someone like that threatened me I'd continue and if they hit me I'd call the police. Shame children arent protected by law but adults are.
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