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Skeptical Empiricist

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Everything posted by Skeptical Empiricist

  1. I need a little help. I am trying to find an idea that Stef mentioned on a podcast. I just can't remember that podcast. In the podcast, Stef proposed that a certain type of rationality was bred out of the group, while another type of rationality was left in. As I remember it, workers in the tribe need to be rational about the “real world,” or concrete existence – otherwise they'd be “burying pigs to create more pigs.” But in the realm of ideas, the workers needed to be irrational so that they wouldn't question their rulers and priests. Anybody that questioned the chief would be ostracized. Does anyone know where that podcast is or what the title of it might be? Also, since it was an idea that was not fully fleshed out, has anyone heard a follow up to this? It might fall under “evolutionary psychology” but I don't know. I don't have a great grasp on the subject to describe it here, but I think it included the idea that woman had to be the prime targets of propaganda. If women were brain washed, then they would deny their eggs to men that were rational in the realm of ideas. Sorry this is so wordy and poorly written. Thanks.
  2. Stefan's the Truth of videos are like a chess match. It's Stefan the Grandmaster vs Accepted Cultural Lies (I know there's an oxymoron there.) But in Stefan vs Youtube comments, we get to see how the GM handles an amateur. These amateur errors are more typical of the errors we see every day. They're also hilarious.
  3. This is the only community I know to ask this question. I'm presuming that voluntaryists like/dislike Republicans and Democrats equally. Personally, I don't care for either party. But lately I am getting the idea that one group is more "herd-like." One group is more immune to reason and evidence. One group defies the physical and mathematical laws. If this has been covered elsewhere, please redirect me and feel free to delete my question. Thanks.
  4. "Order doesn't just happen, and it isn't the product of individual freedom. It needs to be established, and it needs to be established first (sometimes by force), before individuals can be granted civic, economic, and social freedom." Damon Linker I pulled the above from the author's conclusion. Damon and his central planners know what's best for us - which is kinda weird, as the author doesn't appear to understand "spontaneous order (aka,catallaxy.)" I wasted my time on this article. It's only use is as a whetstone to sharpen a beginner's logic. And though I am an unskilled beginner in reason, there is nothing compelling here. Unless Stefan attacked...which would be entertaining. And too easy.
  5. It means "Long live French!" so it might be an error. "Vive le France!" is, "Long live France!" unless said tongue-in-cheek. In the end, it's a slogan - possibly meant to incite. Long live English! [sic]
  6. I appreciated Stefan's take on verbal abuse versus physical abuse.
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