I've been a long time libertarian and have flirted with anarchism in the past, but it wasn't until reading Stefan's books recently on anarchy that I realized I can't go back to the state. The moral argument is what converted me, because even though I don't have all the answers, I can understand the moral argument and trust that anarchism would work out somehow. However, now that I am open to these new possibilities of social order, I can't shake the possibility that anarcho-communism (Acom) is more morally right than anarcho-capitalism (Acap). I find it disconcerting that Stefan has never mentioned (at least in my 3 months of listening to random podcasts) the counter argument to Acap given by Acoms (particularly arguments made here http://www.infoshop.org/AnAnarchistFAQ on hierarchies). Acoms argue that hierarchies are morally wrong and that capitalism creates hierarchies. I have tried to look at the counterargument for this and I just keep finding Acaps say, "Hierarchies are unavoidable," or "Hierarchies are NOT immoral," or "How could a society run WITHOUT hierarchies?!" These arguments sound very much like the arguments I hear for the use of the state. So, I turned to the theory of UPBs to see if the use of hierarchies are indeed immoral as Acoms say. Well, hierarchies are not a behavior, so I believe that is the first problem. However, "dominance" is and I think that dominating another person is the essence of creating a hierarchy. If you use the step-by-step analysis in Stefan's UPB book it looks quite similar to rape, ending in dominating another person as morally evil.
If this is the case, then if Capitalism is deemed to be a system that fosters dominance of one person to another than capitalism would need to be thrown out as a morally wrong system. It sounds like an Acom would argue that capitalism is inherently domineering because those with no capital starting out in life are dependent on those with capital. I can hear an Acap argument go something like, "You can choose not to do business with someone else if you don't want to, you are not physically forced to do that, so therefore it is not morally wrong." However, it is my understanding that if you chose not to do business with anyone you will die in a society of Acaps (or will be dependent on charity, which is still a dominant/dependent relationship). Therefore, you are forced to do it by the system. Maybe not by another person pointing a gun at you, but the system, "capitalism" is the inherent force that will kill you if you do not participate in a fully capitalistic society where all land is owned and you are thus dependent upon the will of another.
Also, a similar and relevant argument against capitalism is that it is exploitative. Which when thrown into the UPB I think exploitation can be considered evil. If those with capital exploit those without capital, then that is evil. Acoms argue that the full product of the workers are not split among the workers but is taken by those who own the capital and given to the workers as they see fit, which is exploitative. To be not exploitative, all of the profits would need to be split with all the workers.
Please feel free to poke holes in this argument as I am recently leaning towards Acom and away from Acap and I dread having to tell my communist friends that I disagree with capitalism now, that would be somewhat embarrassing, but I'll do it if I think its moral. However, although there are plenty of other arguments against communism that might come up here please stick to the moral argument of dominance/exploitation is evil, capitalism relies on dominance/exploitation, capitalism is evil.