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  1. I am excited for any new Pixar movie (except any more Cars sequels/spinoffs) but the trailer for this kinda irked me a bit. Eh, maybe its the cliche stereotypes (women are complex, aware, empathetic while men are shallow, indifferent, combative and out of touch). I enjoy the idea of this though...
  2. My wife is in love with these modern fad vampires. I have nothing against vampires, only that I think they aren't treated interestingly and that most of the shows are pop rehashings of primetime soap operas with a sexy monster make over. The Originals is a Vampire Diaries spin off and in my taste has about as much substance as steak flavored bubble gum. All I witnessed was a series of "dramatic" confrontations between characters that reeked of pretension. It wishes it was Anne Rice but comes off like Days of Our Lives with fangs. But my wife digs it, though she did seem to understand what I meant when I pointed out the lackluster writing/production.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised, thats a very old tactic.
  4. Ive been saying for years that its ridiculous that the market has yet to produce a male "pill". There must be some physiological barriers perhaps, but still Im surprised its not even discussed more. Men would line up though.
  5. The historical narrative has been that to be manly was to not complain or ask for help but to be the fixer and doer who stoically solves the problems of his tender women around him. To die with dignity and quiet, a self sacrifice upon the altar of family. Respected and remembered. Women dont want to care about mens issues because "real men" wouldn't need their concern.
  6. Well, like I had said, I was basing my knowledge of game theory off how it was explained in the movie A Beautiful Mind. In the movie the example that inspires the idea is a group of guys all vying for the hottest girl in the bar. Figuring that they will cancel each other out if they all fight for her attention they decide to just ask out her more homely friends who are desperate for attention. And in that way they "all get laid". True, I hadn't really reconsidered this scenario in a truly free market but I can imagine it applicable in dispute resolution over ownership claims perhaps, wherein the value is time sensitive? Idk really, tbh. There are always natural constraints on situations that require some level of compromise. The degree of risk and availability can determine the level of compromise, and therein perhaps game theory could be applicable. Ill admit that I dont know much about game theory and didnt see it as price fixing. Only as a way for people to get laid...
  7. Your assumption that I meant price fixing is incorrect. I was thinking more along the lines of compromise for mutual benefit. We agree not to all rush at once for the gold and each walk away with silver. Yes it can be used, like any tactic, to deceive others but I don't see it as inherently deceptive.
  8. Game theory, in my limited understanding from watching a Russel Crowe movie, is that in certain competitions it can be mutually beneficial to have everyone cooperate for a smaller goal than destroy one another going after the larger and more valuable goal. In the movie it related to picking up girls at a bar but the principle is very applicable to a free market. People try and use it to promote collectivism but that's because they dont think individualism contains cooperation or anything other than ruthless selfishness
  9. EndtheUsurpation- I dont know that linking culture to race helps understand the issue more than create division. To say something is racially based, at least in my understanding, implies it is the biology of the race that causes the culture. I personally think its a shallow approach to a topic with a multitude of layers. Not to call u shallow, only the impulse to label a race with a cultural subset held by members of that race. MM- I can agree that he may have been attacking preconceptions. My point though is that if we want to move past racism/sexism we have to treat these things memes. Cultures are like religions. Its not the people, its not the biology, its the beliefs we need to attack. Though I see where youre coming from, hes pointing out the missing factors in the video the feminists missed that challenge their narrative.
  10. Heartise seems to confuse race with culture. While a large overlap exists the extent is correlation with race not biologically caused by it. "Hip hop" white guys will cat call as part of the bravado of that culture. A "Country" black guy will probably open doors and say ma'am. There are of course racially corresponding histories but once again to be attributed to the race is to me to suggest caused by the race itself.
  11. Ill look up your post in the philosophy forum. Socrates is as well my favorite philosopher. I just looked on Netflix and Mirage Men is still on there so idk why you didn't see it...
  12. Im sorry if you took me to be an objectivist libertarian. Im not, and haven't explored the issue fully enough to adopt a label. Ill say this though, if you would have talked to me a year ago I would have identified myself as a relativist and espoused to you the notions you listen above about tolerance and open-mindedness being prime virtues. Stef tho convinced me that a lot of that type of virtue is actually enabling immorality. I still believe in tolerance and open minded skepticism but at the same time ive resolved myself on certain issues to the point of clarification. I dont dislike muslims any more than christians any more than atheists. I look at people as carrying various motives and nuisances that aren't always consistent. Ideologies and meme-sets mixed with cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias. Just like us all. Im still trying to find some truth in all this, knowing how fallible my own brain is. I see the miscommunication between the left and right. They talk with the same words but believe completely different definitions. The work for similar goals but just use vastly different methods. Its only recently though that I have come to understand the right, having grown up in the san francisco bay area my entire youth was without my knowledge crafted very leftist. Stefan is the first guy on the right on certain issues that has actually made sense.
  13. I was in no way trying to insinuate that prior generations were any more virtuous, merely that the relativist movement from the sixties bankrupted the entire notion of morals as something other than popular opinions. Were not more immoral, just now the lines of morality are blurred into relativistic goop. If anything were becoming more domesticated. Im not fighting for the right or against the left tho. I am an Anarchist so all sides have bloody hands to me. I consider myself a very skeptical person who doesn't believe vast crazy conspiracy theories either, but I have been convinced that there are some levels of social engineering that have been pushing the populace into the direction of a dependency on the powers that be. Everyone knows that the Protocols of Zion was fictional, I dont prescribe to vast illuminati stuff or ancient aliens or what not. I do believe that there is power elite and that they do try and tweak the system towards maintaining and growing that power. A great documentary on the whole ufo conspiracy culture and how much it was actually fed disinformation from the cia itself. Its on Netflix right now called Mirage Men. As someone not into the ufo scene (was as a child though until I went skeptic) it was very entertaining to see how much the government itself fed the movement as a way of controlling the conversation. Anyway, I was a complete conspiracy skeptic until I watched Gattos Ultimate History Lesson. That at least made me open to the idea that more was going on behind the scenes.
  14. If no one uses the cab but is still drawn to the area to look at them then it may be economically viable for businesses to pool funds to purchase the cab company or to allow them to go bankrupt and then fashion your own cab that looks similar. There are a million market solutions to this problem other than use guns to make uninvolved parties pay to keep the cab company going.
  15. Just now going back to the original first school sucks podcasts and so far they are a great subtle introduction to the Voluntaryist position. Really digging it. Josh- I wonder if youve ever read or heard of a book called Nation of Rebels: How Counter culture became consumer culture. Great book that talks a lot about what youre alluding to, that the counter culture uprising in the late sixties was the great undoing of the family and has morally bankrupted millions. There is also of course the infamous Prison Notebooks which outline in the 1920's the need for a communist insurrection of popular western culture and academia. Shit this type of dissolving of the traditional family structure dates back to occulted writings from the 18th century and even prior wherein the discussion of inciting feminism and the ideals of equality into the female culture would undermine the power of their men. To quote Gatto, an ominous continuity is seen once you start reading some of this history kept from us in public education.
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