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Everything posted by Tservitive

  1. I am legitimately curious and, more importantly, willing to pay for an episode on this topic, (assuming I can afford it). Would this interest anyone else? P.S. Hopefully the poll is attached since I do not see it in the draft of this post. Please feel free to comment in either case.
  2. Good call with Kanye's "All of the Lights" I can also see "We Are the Champions" as k-selected, though the lyrics do carry a braggardly quality that makes me slightly hesitant to vote full key. I just scoured my 3000+ iTunes and the only other song that I could think of, strange as it is, is Lorde's "Royals". The song tells the story of a girl and her friends who, despite living in an r-selected word, learn to be K through learning how to live everyday life on very little and not getting caught up in your love affair with all of the trappings of being affluent but are rather wealthy through experience and frugality. What do you think?
  3. So, I was listening to a cover of Coolio's song Gangsta's Paradise from the 1995 film Dangerous Minds when I really stopped to listen to the lyrics. At this point, I am convinced that this song is entirely about the self justification of an r-selected gangster (which I guess is redundant). What is even more intriguing is that lines like, now incorporate a self reflective or at least telling inside into the mindset of an r-selected world view. Do you think I'm off base, missing something, or just overthinking the r/K stuff. Please let me know. Below is the video for reference:
  4. With all of this talk about inflation and currency devaluation, I'm wondering when we should be concerned about a Greek style Bail-In happening in the US.
  5. I felt as if this video belonged in this section rather than miscellaneous.
  6. I'm from Sewickley, though I'l be in the Shady Side/ Oakland area by August.
  7. So, if Donald Trump becomes president, will there be an Apprentice Cabaret Member due to air in the fall-early winter?
  8. So, I just got back to our wonderful city. Anyone want to/know of a meet up?
  9. I'm not a legal expert by any means. Is there a line in the sand as to how far jury nullification can go?
  10. So, I just discovered that jurors in the USSA have the ability to dean a law immoral in legal cases. Would it make sense to accept jury duty in order to apply this right in ways to dismantle the state?
  11. With a mother like that and no philosophy, I can see why the guy would even consider rioting in the first place
  12. Spot on. It also come from the freer legal, economic, and religious system that originated in England begging in the 17th Century. Latin America still is reliant on family/community orientation rather than individualism. This is not to say that this is true for every Latin American or even for every Latin American country since early 20th Century Argentina pre-socialism. Regardless, the more individualist the culture, the freer it is.
  13. Does anyone else think that it's weird that a sitting president is conducting an interview with a writer/director?
  14. Let's play the Where's Waldo: Fallacy Edition! Article Link: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/loves-evolver/201103/sexual-monogamy-does-not-lead-happiness
  15. Any Individual who would rape a baby is wrong. It's even worse when you work together with others who want to rape babies, film/live-stream it,and share with others who would desire and act upon such a thing. This is the kind of crime that one can never fully redeem due to the irreversible nature of such an act. Feeling the impulse and pursuing it rather than seek help is a moral choice and too many people make the wrong choice. However, any parent, regardless of gender, who would not only comply to such a request, but even premeditatedly place that hardship upon an unborn child. What upsets me the most, even more than parents who would burden a child with a life-long baggage of evil, is that these monsters can still drive a car, enjoy a movie, vote for another sociopath, and of course shack up again and keep this mobius strip going.
  16. I can see two possible ways: 1. Appeal to Authority, i.e. the author/creator. Point: I can see this a valid since the author/creator was the one who created the universe, thought of the metaphors, and is some case knows where the story will go in the next installment. Counter: Assuming the author/creator is competent and relatively sane, it is possible that you could have found a metaphor or deeper connection than the author thought of due to having a fresh experience with something the author has spent time with. 2. You can the second time around Point: I turned my brain off when I watched Frozen for the first time. Since the "Truth About Frozen", I now have an idea of Stefan's perspective and I an view it through someone else's shoes. Counter: Not all experiences can be replicated due to if someone has recently lost their father and then they watch the Man of Steel movie and later self attacks for being unable to have saved his/her father. Someone who has never lost a parent, such as myself, may be unable to fully register it even if we can empathize since its an emotional connection that you have to maintain for 2.5hours without interacting with that person. Verdict: You may be able to on an emotional level, but it is far easier on the cognitive level. This reply was longer than I thought. Hope this helps! Great question!
  17. So, I found this video and I want to share it with the FDR community. It's most connected to religion and how it traditions seem to be carried out in early human history. I hope you all enjoyed it!!!
  18. This video is a short and somewhat condescending way to express the true 5-7% wage gap and why it exists.
  19. I have a possible solution to this particular question. Could it be that if one is normally fine but experiences anxiety on occasion with particular people, then the anxiety may be a good indicator to distrust someone? I realize that it's not full proof and that its not a good rule by itself, but perhaps it works as more of a consideration among other stacking factors.
  20. I wish I saw this campaign earlier. Thanks for sharing!
  21. This is how I see politics as a whole. Hope it's helpful.
  22. Wuzzums, you bring up a good point about psychopaths. They are incredibly good at acting as if they are not human predators. Where I'm coming from is more the narcissist instead of the sociopath/psychopath and seeing if there are some common cues that, by themselves are probably meaningless, but point to something when accumulated. Other traits I thought of: -Chewing gum loudly -Talking for extended periods of time in a quite area (like a library) -Littering I know this isn't quite body language, but my goal in this thread is to get a better idea of how to identify an unempathetic person without needing to get involved in a conversation. Thoughts?
  23. Hey Guys, I'm keeping this short but can post again if people are still interested in this topic. We stopped seeing each other before St. Patty's day. We stopped seeing each other due to her not wanting to date long distance and I do not blame her for that. I realize that she's not perfect, but I do not think poorly of her at all. In fact, I feel confident about being able to find a quality girl after school. The next one won't have the foundation of lie, which will make me more certain that this previous girl.
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