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  1. What's always annoyed me is the classic "why do you need an assault rifle?" This annoys me mainly because title 2 weapons are currently illegal in the United States so what they mean to say is "why do you need an AR-15?".
  2. I believe this is a joke, but it can be difficult to tell with many feminists, however I doubt anyone would seriously hold this position from one of the comments. "How is a man allowed to abuse his privilege like this? It's 2016, come on people, a man should not be allowed to hold a position that can influence so many people. What if he tells people to rape children or abuse women? Ever think of that? Step down John, you sexist piece of shit" Like I said I don't believe anyone sincerely holds this position, and I think this whole thing is mocking feminists.
  3. I see what you did there... (smiley face)
  4. What are you implying by your post? Assuming what you are saying is true is believing in a deity without sufficient evidence justified?
  5. I still cannot tell if this is a serious video or not. To paraphrase "I went to a party, so I got raped." So many of these events just do not follow. I was reminded of a funny Key and Peele Video.
  6. Simply restating what you said earlier is not an argument. I believe you are under the impression that substituting words with abstract variables makes what you say true, so I'll try this in your language. X+Y=M so obviously X+X =2X = M and Y+Y =2Y =M Would you be persuaded by this? Do you understand that this is not an argument. I've kept the structure of your quote unquote "logic" yet you still disagree with this. I'll put it another way. 3+3 =6 but magically 2+4=6 and so does 12-6=6. Three ways to get the same outcome yet all made up of different components. Therefore gay marriage is the same as straight marriage. This is obviously not an argument, and I think anybody should clearly be able to understand that.
  7. Literally every example (with the exception of priests raping boys) I gave is Catholic Doctrine promoting evil. Like I'm honestly asking did you not know this? These are all exact quotes stating the churches Doctrine on the issues. Again Obviously their is no support for priests raping boys, and for some reason I couldn't find the Church admitting to the existence of hell, but we all know they believe that. "The Catholic Church believes that artificial contraception is sinful and immoral and may frustrate a divine plan to bring a new life into the world." "The Church opposes same-sex unions based on Genesis 1:25–28" "Catholicism regards life as sacred, and taking any innocent life is immoral and sinful. The Catholic Church uses same principles to condemn euthanasia as it does to condemn abortion." "The root of all this evil is the apostasy from christianity, so marked in some countries, and the acceptance, or influence, of atheism Once given that there is no god, it immediately becomes unjust and impossible for anyone to exact obedience and submission from anyone else. If there is no God. there can be no master. The anarchist conclusion is therefore illogical."
  8. I disagree with that. Whether or not I believe in the threat makes no claims claims on the existence of the threat. Whether or not the likelihood of the threat being real is high or not again makes no claims on the existence of the act of threatening someone. Muslims still believe this being a threat against me, and I still recognize this as a threat against me. Whether or not this threat will actually occur if essentially irrelevant because the actions taken by Muslims and myself alike net the same whether it is true or not.
  9. I don't know about what may or may not constitute terrorism, but I believe by combining several statistics that roughly 60% of worldwide muslims support Sharia law, (and as the religious politically correct love to say their are 1.6 billion muslims) so if my math holds i think somewhere in line with 960 million muslims support sharia law which I would call terrorism, however islam inherently supports hell for nonbelievers as with all major religions so I would consider being muslim as inherently a terrorist act, so I believe their are 1.6 billion terrorists. I'm assuming somebody just disagreed with you on another page, but since you can't downvote the same post twice then he just wanted to give as many downvotes as possible to you, so I'll upvote you this one time to sort of apologize for that jerks actions.
  10. I don't think you have really thought about this because defending the evils of modern day Catholicism would be incredible tough. Care to talk about African AIDS? Basic human rights for gay people? Priests raping boys? What they've said against Right to Die movement? Support for the state? Hell? Do you intend to defend the catholic church's actions? While Catholics are not known to strap a bomb to their chest armed with an M16's they do support evil in many other facets of society.
  11. And just to point out the obvious. I don't think you are really a Muslim unless you support violent Jihad and Sharia law. It's kinda a major part of the koran.
  12. I laughed so hard when I read that. Literally this was my exact thought when I read Flyings post. Why would you go out of your way to say your going to answer something then not answer the actual question.
  13. What a huge claim to make. Spaceballs your entire post astounds me. You realize your "math" equation provides no evidence that gay marriage is destroying marriage, and you could use that eye glass example to justify literally any form of discrimination. But again it provides no evidence that gay marriage is destroying marriage. Did you really not know that gay people have not always had the right to marry, and in fact not more than 15 years ago no gay marriage was recognized by the US government. Did you know that the catholic church still does not recognize gay marriage, as does nearly every denomination of Christianity several exceptions. I hope you have understood that you have not provided any logic.
  14. I agree that feminists are the largest cause of division among genders, but my biggest concern is how does actions like hookup culture impede on heterosexual marriage? The only way I can think of is that married men want to try hook up culture, and in which case these married men must have a bad marriage. I think it would then follow that a bad marriage is less preferable to a society with social acceptance towards actions like hookup culture.
  15. And the implication here is that these things are bad, impede on heterosexual marriage, and these are all started solely by homosexuals? I think that is a pretty big assumption to make.
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