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  1. This is a very interesting concept I've been thinking a lot, make a "church" with an "atheist religion" for people that leaves it's own religion to share morals, but I'm not really sure if it's the way to do it. I know for fact that most persons don't understand logic the same way as many others do, religion since does not requires a big deal of logic it's just simpler and deceive a person into thinking it's a good thing, moreover if: a) the person doesn't have a natural understanding of logic; b)have difficulties making up it's own moral values; c)and/or have been indoctrinated for a long time with certain beliefs. Now let me define two terms which i believe don't yet exist: "natural atheists", get to the point of knowing that the better solution to whether the existence of God is true or false is just to approximate the answer to the default or "false", while "non natural atheists" come to the conclusion that there's no God because other atheist told the person so. [i'll just keep using the defined "natural and non-natural-atheist" terms] Natural-atheists therefore in contrast to non-natural-atheist can make their own morals, but who gives morals to non-natural-atheist? Here's the thing: what I call "non-natural-atheists" are more likely to use their emotions to resolve problems, the problem of using emotions to resolve problems is that it works best within a family or group of known people, where there's a leader that takes decisions. To prove this I invite you to look at people, even in tv shows, mainly the very stupid ones (like some reality shows) when a problem arises RARELY you see someone sit and think about what's happening, but mostly you'll see a person in a very emotional state either of anger, hate or disgust (the top 3 that come to my mind right now). Also remeber that are not religions that create hatred, but people in the religion institutions that hate, in analogy: is not the gun that kill the man, but the person behind the gun that pulls the trigger... So how do you control a non-natural-atheist into not using at least negative emotions to resolve problems? Here's some videos of people that prefer emotions over logic: Fortunately we still have the constitution and laws enforced by the state, but those can't in any way cover all the possible situations of conflict between people, so again the question is: is there a simple way to apply UPB for those who cannot use logic as good as others do?
  2. If I were a girl that's the name I would like to have "Sophia", which means "wisdom". For her mum I made up a new word... "echthrosophy", which if it would actually exist would mean the opposite of philosophy.
  3. Well in some tests my result was INTJ, and at first it was difficult to distinguish the main differences between INTP and INTJ, by carefully reading each type I understood that the test asked questions like (for example): "do you enjoy to finish things?" Instead of: "When you start a project or task you don't do anything else until you finished it?" Basically what I didn't understood when I was doing the test is that, what does matter is not "what I would like to be", but actually "what actions do I do", in fact I do "enjoy finish things", but usually I do not finish them... get the point? I realized that actually I'm way more abstract and messy when I'm thinking and this reflect to my daily life, usually I'm late INTJ are very careful not to be late, I jump almost randomly task by task, INTJ don't. For you the problem might be something else, but the main idea is basically to find the description that best describes the way you are most of the time. To know your type is not something fun you do to experience something, but actually should be useful to grasp the main difference between you and someone else... If your results vary and are not stable, you should try to see your self from a "third person" prospective, the point is not to get what you want or what kind of person would you like to be, that does not work, because you will end up telling lies to yourself, being a person that actually you are not. INTP can't be also an INTJ, but of course an INTP can have like 40% of characteristics typical from an INTJ but is considered an INTP... The type indicator does not state if someone is bad or good, or if the favorite color is blue or red... you should read about it ... here this site should explain some: http://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/ My advice is to actually get a basic understanding of all 16 different personalities (if it's too much just try to compare an INTP and a ESFJ), just google and you'll find description of each everywhere, some sites might explain better than others so don't check just a site if you don't get a full understanding of the differences between all types, I know is difficult, but for me and some friend it was worth it. Ps: sorry if I write a lot the same concepts over again, but I'm usually not well understood by most of the people I met... I wold like to prove if actually there is an MBTI type that actually can understand me, or if It's just because I don't know how to explain a concept... usually the only INTJ, INFJ that I know are more likely to understand what do I say... but I can't tell for sure if for all of them is the same...
  4. I would like to know if you ever have heard about MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator), and whether you did or not know about it, what is your opinion about it, and if you did the test, I would also appreciate to know what's your MBTI personality type, if you would like to share it. Btw I'm an INTP. If you don't know how to do the test just search MBTI test on google, there should be a variety of sites where you can do the test, some of them are free, some others are not, but probably are more accurate. If you don't want to waste money, just do the free one and search on google the description for your personality and check if it does actually describe yourself, AND BE CAREFUL, some of the description may not be 100% accurate, that's why after you did the test, you may search for other similar personalities as the one from the test, and read carefully the description of each, some personalities are very similar so read carefully and pick the one that most relate to your behavior... No personality type is the best, each of it has pro and cons, so don't pick the personality you think is the best, or more intelligent, since the indicator is about preferences not on IQ, all types have the chance to be smart any any other. In my opinion MBTI is a great way to get along with people: it happened to me that sometimes I can't relate to others behavior, In fact I'm an introvert person, therefore I do not like parties (this is an example) or social activities that involves stuff like being social... I'd rather talk to people about something very complex and most people just nod at me and changes topic, and start talking about sport, how he/she hates someone or simple problems between colleagues or her/his partner, things that for me are completely not interesting so far, since I usually do not have such problems or concerns about who is the best at throwing a ball, in contrast I would talk longer about science, philosophy, history, economics and politics. By further reading now I understand why people do believe in God, and why they can't just digest very well philosophy and UPB, and there is not much to do about it. Ps: if you don't understand me, just google INTP.
  5. God exist because human created it, to explain how life is possible, and then God created humans... (I know! It makes no sense, hope you get the idea.) I don't think I can make you believe in God, but it's easy to actually know why some individuals have strong believe in "magic": simply they don't have the ability to create values for themselves and usually rely on other's words, and the more people have the same opinions the more is difficult to change the mind of those peoples, this explains why is difficult for religious communities to accept the non existence of God and why an irrational idea is appreciated among a community. Read here for a description of such people's personality (scroll down) -> http://www.typefinder.com/personality-type/esfj If you read the description of an INTP it would be a lot different (I'm an INTP by the way). If you learned to be skeptical, and you are able to some critical thinking and stuff... you will never think God as an existing entity. I used to believe in God as an idea or concept, not actually something that affects the real world. P.S.: For grammar errors please forgive me, I'm still learning the 3rd language I know (English).
  6. Drinking alcohol at the end of the day feels relaxing, because alcohol acts as a depressive and therefore you fell warmer and cozy. At my home there is usually a lot of people that drinks alcohol, I've noticed that some kids, don't have any interest in the adult's beverage, but if they ask to an adult the simple feedback the children receive is "this is not for kids" or something similar, and change topic... When I was kid, it was little different, during parties kids used to steal beer to distracted adults and drink it, imitating they gestures ( it was not in america, I've lived in other countries before). I think, if you feel ashamed of telling your children you are consuming drugs, and those are bad, then you're are not giving them a good example of what's good or bad... then maybe if you tell them to not do something because is bad, they will think "well if it's bad I can still do it". Kids are enough smart and remember surprisingly well things they know for the first time, (such as bad words for example,) if you tell them you are doing a bad thing, but you are fine with it, they might learn from you. So my suggestion would be... find something else to relax on... if you still fell to drink beer replace it with a non alcoholic beverage, hot beverages might work such as chamomile tea... soda will not replace alcohol well because contains some caffeine, that gives the reverse effect. Hope I helped.
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