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  1. The state is made up of the ultimate control freaks. Globalists mostly use the state to make money. Politicians, bureaucrats and police use the state to feed their control lust. Until parents ( parent ) stop creating control freaks, I can't see the state going away. Of course, it is possible for a tipping point to be reached where enough people reject the concept of authority. When that happens, the state will collapse.
  2. China has announced they will be on Mars by 2020. More likely China will be an economic basket case by 2020.
  3. Listening to the Patriarchal Apocalypse podcast ( December 18, 2016 ). It got me thinking more about an idea been rattling in my brain for a while. Elon Musk seems to have turned his talents to the human infestation of Mars. While I think this an excellent idea, my question is; What that society should/will look like? I like the idea of men giving the Earthers what they want. Leave the Earthers to the paradise of no builders, no designers, no engineers, no mechanics, etc...
  4. I realize this post is almost two years old but, why hasn't Steph gotten Andreas on the podcast?
  5. I will certainly holiday there again (been there twice and want to go again). To be honest, if the stay vote had won, it's unlikely I would have gone to back. Regardless of what ultimately happens, you reaffirmed my faith in the English people.
  6. Would be great if Trump put them all on a block entry list so they miss Coachella.
  7. Did you mean to say: Two ancrappers are in a jail-cell... ?
  8. I am astonished they are playing this on public television here in the Washington, DC area:
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  9. I have tried to listen to call-in shows. Nearly every time I do, I remember why I skip past them to shows with Stefan or Stefan with a guest. I greatly appreciate Stefan's intellect and wisdom and how easily he shreds caller's so called arguments. I don't understand how he can be so patient with callers. There is a reason I would never call in. I can't imagine it would have been interesting for Einstein to discuss physics with a 5 year old Amish child. That would be like Stefan compared to me.
  10. I'm going to a Formula One race this year. Does that make me a racist?
  11. I do not wish to review the movie and I wanted to keep my commentary generic so as to not spoil potential viewers. I suspect the major thrust, given the political bent of some folks involved, was to show what might happen if politically conservative people could create their ideal community. However, I think that misses the real point. Does this comment belong under Philosophy? While watching the movie I realized the characters could leave Pleasantville if they could break the chains in their own minds. Philosophy could free them.
  12. The movie Pleasantville is playing on my TV right now. While it has been available to me for sometime, I never watched it until now. I don't know what the producers are trying to say but I can see it is how people are imprisoned in their own minds. When watched from the prospective of we who have broken the chains, it is a very interesting movie.
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