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    Sacramento, CA
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    Graphic Designer

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for the bump. If anyone would like an active libertarian group to join, i've had a lot of fun at these mixers: https://www.facebook.com/SacramentoLP?fref=ts Here's the next event: https://www.facebook.com/events/701430919984422/
  2. Yes! I live in midtown.
  3. Thanks PatrickC, I've joined up there.
  4. Hey Freedomain Radio listeners! I live in the nanny state capitol of the world, Sacramento, California. I know a few libertarians but I'd like to know more, especially those in my age range, 20s- 30s. I've checked out the meet-up for Sacramento, I think 4 people had joined... no activity to speak of. I'm looking for more social contact with those open to philosophy. Please say hi. Sincerely, Michelle
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