Thanks for posting again. I was beginning to think I repelled you with my last reply and even considered starting a topic "getting rid of dysfunctional habits in communication" or something.
Since my second post the compelling to waste time in daydreaming kinda lost power and I didn't expect that, as I've spend hours thinking about the issue. In a way you helped me by being someone I can write to. My interest has other sides, but in the brief moment I "address the thought" in my mind, an image like an icon "appears", some detail from the interior for example and I feel something like a warmth or joy. Sometimes the "current state of the dream" switches to some other not very reasonable car, but still gives that feeling when it's possible I'll be able to buy it in reasonable future. Getting a taxi, to go and ask the doctor something seems quite not right, but only if I had my own car, I'd be happy to deal with every otherwise exhausting issue. When working my last job with very dysfunctional people, I was in a way supported by a picture of the snow, the car and even associated that feel with a certain music. BTW Nicholas, a gear head like me will take a 500 euros worth of hatchback with a torque-ish engine and be fine with it.