Hi all! I've been listening to Mr. Molyneux's podcasts and watching on YouTube for over a year. I have to say that I really admire his perspective on the world and I frankly find it extremely refreshing.
This may come off a bit like an introduction.
Me: I'm a 30 year old from a pair of married biological parents, from an upper middle class neighborhood in the Philadelphia Metro area of South Jersey. I am the eldest of five Irish Catholic children. I was the accident and reason for my parent's marriage at a particularly young age, in a time period when it was less common; the early eighties. My family used to attend church more frequently while I was growing up and like many, I was subject to public school as well as afternoon Catholic education. Now, they have seem to have dissolved into twice-a-year-Catholics but who could blame them. Although my mother did stay home for the first 10 years of my life before going on to be successful in her current career, it was never suggested to me that I would do anything besides be a self-sufficient hard worker.
I am aware that based on my back ground and education, I ought to be at a certain place in my life. Married and trying to get pregnant. Trying to get married. Or much higher on the corporate/ income ladder than I currently am. I'm a receptionist, now, actually. I don't even make $20,000 a year. Nothing, in the world irritates me more than the fact that women younger than me are sitting at home, knocked up and not worrying about how their electric is going to be paid because Big Daddy Government will take care of that. I do not blame the economy, men or any force outside of myself for my current situation. Some could say that because I have/had a mental illness (Major Depressive Disorder and Anorexia) that it's understandable that I did not find success in my education and as a result have not found it in my current work situation.
You see, I made a mistake when I was 24 and the 2008 Ecomony Crash hit. Instead of hitting the streets for a new job when I got laid off, I decided to become a full-time exotic dancer. It only took me four-five years to realize that it was a waste of time because it was not helping my resume at all. What was I thinking? I was young and needed to feel as if I was attractive. I had been bullied, for being in special education, for the larger part of my educational experience and suffered with an intestinal disorder called Ulcerative Colitis. Feeling pretty was and is still sometimes a struggle for me. People talk very degradingly of women in sexually oriented fields, particularly people from backgrounds like mine. Having been the "good girl" for all of my life, I wanted to do something "bad" for once in my life. Dancers aren't leeches, inherently. They're like prostitutes in a way. The exchange is honest. You like to look at me naked. I would like to be paid. I only do occasional gigs now because, let's face it, who doesn't like cold, hard cash in hand totaling up to, sometimes, $400 for six hours of mindless work. So, clearly, I'm not unattractive. It's only taken me this long to realize that I could land a catch of a relationship, if I honestly sought to. But I have a very typical, low self-esteem, attraction to men who turn out to be jerks and abusers in one form or another.
I've recently started going to therapy again. Last year, my weight got very, very low. Lowest ever. My fiance' had cheated on me. I stayed and suppressed my deep, seething anguish by working every hour I could stand to and counting calories obsessively. I'm still with him. That's another issue. What I am trying to figure out is what do I really want out of life? I feel adrift on a tide to no where. The last thing I can stand to be is a burden. I know I want to be loved but I want to be loved by someone who has as much passion and drive and interest in the world around them as I have. There's a fear that I've started to have, as a result of my last two, long term relationships, current included, that no matter who my partner is, I will go to have disgust and resentment towards them within a few years. And part of me thinks that sometimes, it would be best to just be alone. Two reasons I am not alone, I don't make enough to do so and it could be dangerous considering I'd be coming off a break up. No, I can't move in with my parents and go back to the scene of the crime, where the cabinets are all filled with food and my mom makes snide comments about my food choices, appearance etc. I have no idea what really makes me happy or what drives me but, by God, I'll be thin.
I don't feel the title fits.