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  1. I too am big fan of Linux. I separated from windows almost 10 years ago, the prospect of having to use Vista was really scary. I have tried many distros and my favorite so far is Xubuntu. A big plus about linux is the stability of the system, but it is a double edged sword. It doesn't break often so you forget how to fix stuff when problems arise and then you fix the problem, but all those fixes stacks up and soon enough you have a really weird version of linux which have many small bug, but not enough that you want to reinstall. My home server needs a reinstall since last year at least,can't upgrade ubuntu any more and it's a very old version, but I just don't find the time and courage to rebuild it. Those of you who go "all free or nothing", meh, little bit extremist imho. I wouldn't mind if those "free" driver were up to par, but I respect that I need to have some proprietary drivers for stuff to work better. All I demand from hardware manufacturers is that if they can't provide proper drivers is to open their API.
  2. If cops could stop to act like psychopaths when they are in the street that would be great. I have experienced it, witnessed it... I also had good experiences with them when I needed their legitimate help. It can be very confusing for an honest citizen.
  3. Are you scared he wants to legalize cannabis?
  4. Show them this pic. Maybe you aren't using the proper wording. Sadism isn't a "good" value. Sometimes I kinda feel like you when I see stupid comments elsewhere, but I see it more as an opportunity to try to calmly explain how their statement is wrong or that I disagree with. If I can't do it respectfully, I restrain from interacting with them. The way you will communicate it will make the difference between a vicious personnal attack, in which case they will retreat and at best just remove you from their friend list, and a discussion they will agree to participate in which is much more constructive.
  5. Not making excuses for him, I have a feeling he will change his mind once the letters and bailiff comes after him. So all his rhetoric is just horseshit because he is far from understanding the consequences of what he claim he will (not) do in the future.
  6. We should clarify, OP haven't skipped any payment yet. So it's all speaking in the wind until he is consequent and really stops paying. His "moral stand" will hold more weight when the recovery letters starts pilling up.
  7. Ellisante35, You should call tonight, I'll grab the popcorn.
  8. Not sure it is the proper discussion, but wherever it leads to... Crypto currency won't free us from taxation, legislation and such. If the government proves you make a profit, revenue, ie run a commercial enterprise, they will either arrest you or tax you and force you to get a proper license for your activities. Even if you deal only in bitcoin, fur or airmiles, the government will tax you accordingly to their fiat and value your operations using comparative. It's easy to get away with a very small business, but if you want to buy a ferrari from your brewed beer, you might encounter some issues...
  9. You do whatever you please, we are just trying to steer you away from a big mistake..., tell us how it goes, I'm curious. Start a blog ask people to pay for your stuff. So how many months behind are you right now?
  10. I dare you to call Stef, you will get destroyed. Do it before doing anything stupid. Even though many agrees that fiat is a fraud, responsible adults respect their obligations. You can chose not to pay, but don't come crying when you reap the consequences.
  11. Lucky you, they can't repo education and knowledge, at least that will always be yours. If I stop paying the bank, I get no more home, job and future. The quicker you go bankrupt the quicker you will recover from this juvenile idea and forget about it. but apparently student loans aren't cleared when you go bankrupt... think about it. Do you really want to live out of the system?
  12. There is a very practical experiment you can make. Try to get out more than 1000$ in cash and you have to tell the bank 24h in advance so they "prepare" the cash...
  13. We could give them their own country, lots of place available in northern canada.
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