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  1. i believe your main concern is fairness. I think it is impossible to have fairness since people are born into this world differently. Some born rich/poor, some born in China some in US, some born with less body parts some more,born with different parents, different # of siblings, the list goes on and on. Take the rich/poor example. People who are born Rich may never need to work a day in their lives. They don't even need to compete. People who are born poor may never even catch up b/c the deficiencies are so great. I have accepted that the world is not fair and you just make the best with what you have. How do you make life fair when it is not fair at its beginning? but I see fairness as in say parent to children or the law if I had 3 children, I would be as fair as possible to give them equal attention,care,financials,education,experiences. or Every is equal under the law no matter who you are. (But of course you know that is not always the case) That being said, I think the whole point of competition is to produce a winner and a loser. it is survival of the fittest and may the best man wins. If the company thinks you are the best man to run the project,team,company. then you are the best qualified candidate who will lead the company to success and grow to produce better products and services (which benefits mass consumers) and potentially employee more people. if they have chose a less competent person who does a bad job then the company produces a worse products/services and things start going down hill, company shuts down and hundreds unemployed. Cost and benefit, one person unhappy or hundreds? But hey if you feel bad for the person you are more than welcome to give him a % of your salary. Nothing is stopping you
  2. I have introduced firearms to my girl since she was 2. She finally has enough strength to pull the trigger and I am planning to finally take her out to shoot. This youtube vid may help you with what you need. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrorxilPMFo
  3. Round 2, I was having a conversation with a socialist about anarchy. it was mainly on Government Vs Corporation and how you can leave corporation but you cant leave government. - He talked about government's money printing and tax collecting is a form of money management and not theft... oh felt like my brain just got hit by a train!!! -He talked about how we will be able to build roads, provide health care, pension, public education (school), etc.... I told him business man who sees the opportunity would provide anything that the markets wants. -Then he goes on and say, well then the road company would be a monopoly and dictate how people drive. I told him there would be other business men raising up to challenge promoting competition. He replied you make building roads sound easy, people are just going to pop up building things. -Then he goes on and say that a company will start their own army to force people to use their services or products or somehow "attack their competition" to gain monopoly position. This is when I really wanted to stop talking to him. But I went on and told him it is incredibly hard or even impossible for a company to sustain an army whose core product isn't army building and management. The cost to hire,feed,equip,train these men would bankrupt the bank within in months and when this information is public, most people will stop using their services/products and the company will stop generating income which would promote a even faster bankruptcy. Also if the company does start funding some sorta of army or gang, they will immediately lose competition edge on their core service/product because they are not investing money into maintenance, R&D and innovation. so again, why do people so sheep minded and feel that everyone is bad and the people needs to be protected by gov and non gov. organizations are evil or will turn evil.... Rant Over
  4. Everyone I talked to about home school brought up socialization as the first and biggest point. I have brought up points like -being social isn't about knowing how to talk to your peers 5+/5- your age. It should range from age 0-90. -expose my kids to different social, sports, arts, etc.. clubs like you mentioned maybe I am just not a good speaker/debater. I have went through 16+ years of school. You would think that I would be a good speaker.
  5. Hey guys, I have recently been more open in discussion with my co workers about many aspects of my life. Because I recently had my 2nd baby. kids has been the main subject. When I told them that I am going to home school my kids, they are somewhat shocked and is actually convincing me not to do it b/c it will harm the child. They say that my kids are going to be socially deficient. They won't know how to talk to people or be functional in society later on in life. Pretty much by me home schooling them I am harming them. Just sharing my pain....
  6. Yes I agree. But buddy is saying we will never get to a anarchy society because there will always be people who wants to rule over people. How could I forget the against me argument. I watched this a few months back. This will get really personal... I think he knows he's not providing evidence and I don't think that is bothering him. he thinks the world is just that way plain and simple and there is no changing.
  7. well apparently to some people they are like the the air we breathe and the water we drink. they are everywhere!
  8. These people I talk to believe people should be ruled.. so unless they are already subscribed or open to the anarchism idea. It would be hard to tell them people will not tolerate people lording over them once we are there... Ya so what would be the point of over throwing the current gov? I gave him examples of why the current gov is bad. Like tax is theft and the use of force. but it seems like it is still better than having war lords.
  9. Hey guys, I have been debating with my friend about anarchy. He seems to think that without governments warlords are going to pop up everywhere. his reasoning is huaman greed which is that everyman for them selves, survival of the fittest. Also because he thinks humans are inherently bad so if there are no governments people will immediately start killing others to gain resources instead of trading. He cannot really back anything of this up with any evidence. Could you guys give me some insights to counter the warlord argument please. Thanks!
  10. what did I just watch...
  11. I think Gov = Tax = theft. is it right to steal from others to enforce a law whether good or bad?
  12. I think for a parent that is ok with sending their kids to school. He actually is doing a pretty good job. I believe he is more influence than dictate. He wants his children to have certain skillsets/experiences, ie guns handling,backpacking, motor bike etc... and I think he did more than a good job doing that. I don't think doodle was unwilling to go run and run with him since he successfully build doodle's interest on guns through early child gun handling and playtime with tanks and stuff. that being said I have heard him and the kids mention that camping, run and gun, back packing is a lot of work and not very fun. stefan said that some things are not fun to learn or do at the moment but it's crucial for the kid's future such as reading. You still have to do it despite the kids unwillingness. of course you will have as many conversations as possible to let the kid know why it is important to learn certain set of skills. The kids can thank you later and of course they never do. Looking back to my childhood, I was a Overtime media kid. video games was everything and I regret every moment of it. My parents never interfered and I wasted probably 10 years of my life. I wish I had Stefan and Nutn as my parents to influence me back then. I also had to learn piano. I didn't hate it but I didn't enjoy it and ended up quitting maybe 2-3 years in. I wish my parents had insisted because this would have been a nice skill to have. But ya if you send your kids to school, it will turn into a battle of influences and from the families that I have encountered. The parents lost the battle.
  13. I was thinking why not as long as it doesn't violate any principles... even though I know it will probably not change anything...
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