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  1. I can't believe you guys are making the point that you saying whites are intellectually superior doesn't imply that you are superior in general. I already 'prebutted' that point with my gorilla example because I anticipated that response. If you really believe that your race makes you intellectually superior, you should own it - admit you are racist. Like some gays are reclaiming the word faggot because they don't see anything shameful with being gay (I don't either). You shouldn't see anything wrong with being racist if it's justifiable with science. I just don't like you playing these semantic games.
  2. Stefan says white people have a higher IQ and they should not mix with other races. If he really thinks it, he shouldn't have a problem with being called a racist, because that's exactly what the definition is: thinking that your race is superior. Of course he says that he doesn't think whites are superior, they just have a higher IQ, blacks are better at sports, which really is a lame excuse. It's like saying we are not superior to gorilla's even though they are miles away intelligence wise, they are are really physically strong. It's just a way to say racist stuff and not feel racist by self-rationalization. Anyway, like Sam Harris says, I have no time to research if there is scientific view in it so I reject it as racist, as most people would. I don't see anything wrong with that. Most philosophers are really liberal but Stefan is a basically right-wing nut in a lot of his views, supporting Donald Trump and conservatives in general.
  3. As I said, human differences are explained by phenotypes, races or breeds of animals require higher differences between species to be considered a separate breed.
  4. no, it's not supported by mainstream science, that's why the wiki page even says it's an informal classification with 6 sources to scientific articles
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_(human_categorization) The first sentence is: Race, as a social construct, is a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics Sources below: The Main Reason Races Don’t Exist. Genetic and archaeological reasons races don't exist https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/looking-in-the-cultural-mirror/201109/th...on-t-exist http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/race-is-not-biological_us_56b8db83e4b04f9b57da89ed https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/10/981008051724.htm http://europe.newsweek.com/there-no-such-thing-race-283123 http://www.livescience.com/47627-race-is-not-a-science-concept.html There isn't a single scientific organisation currently that considers race a formal classification of humans. It's an informal taxonomic classification. Human appearance difference are explained by phenotypes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenotype There is no proof that blue eyes people are smarter than brown eyes people, or that black moths are more intelligent than white moths. There is proof that nurture, culture, education explains intelligence difference in less developed countries, even in East Europe IQ's are lower than Western Europeans on average, but they are all white. (Huge differences, http://i.imgur.com/OFJSgR1.jpg ) Why does Stefan insist that races exist? It's unsupported by science.
  6. Can anyone explain this? How come that Kansas cut down out the taxes to "stimulate" the economy and lead to more revenue. It didn't work at all and the state is now in crisis. Now the governor is cutting teacher pensions and university funding.
  7. I can't see how libertarianism or anarchism could work in a society where possibly over 90% or more jobs will be taken over AI and robots in the foreseeable future. Without something like basic income for everyone, corporations that make these robot or AI software, will become ultra rich and there is just no way to compete against that in a capitalistic society. When that happens, the only solution is to tax those companies heavily and pay a basic income. We won't need bartenders, tax accountants, bankers, policemen, most jobs will be taken over completely or to a big extent. This might sound like a sci-fi to you, but look at what most respected futurologists like Ray Kurzweil are predicting. Read about technological singularity that can happen in our lifetime. When we will have seriously advanced artificial intelligence that's capable not only to do what's been preprogrammed but also learn from mistakes, most jobs will be taken over.
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