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Everything posted by angree

  1. as some interested may already know, there is a major debate going on in the crypto-currency world. The failed smart contract dao that collected 150 millions in Ethers from users, caused 1/3 of funds to be drained out and remaining 2/3 to be blocked for a month - the deadline is in less than 3 days. Here is the countdown: https://slacknation.github.io/medium/11/11.html Some say the code has been tested only few days and that the same people are involved that were among responsible for the huge hole that DAO had in it (more, they were warned about one developer from the team that the exploit may be there, but he was ignored). There is also an ethical issue of bailing out a failed contract/company and users that invested in it. Ethereum the cryptocurrency/decentralized app network is a commercial enterprise after all, so many people have invested their funds in this enteprise and are now pushing for violating the contract that they all agreed on. It could be an interesting discussion for a philosophical debate, but is also opening some other possibilities. Maybe that's what Ethereum suppose to be, this interventionist currency, that is giving more "safety" and that opens some room for its competitors. I was trying to find any alternatives for the ethereum, that is now turning not only into socialist mess, but many programmers have serious doubts is the fork be even successful, what will the miners decide (yes the miners decide on which blockchain to mine - old one or the new one! Its all pretty crazy) Finally I found some Ethereum alternative and made a small BAILOUT video as a joke, but people liked it so I remastered it and published: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6tJhaoQsYc I like that it is kinda grassroots and I know there is some "smart money" accumulating it at current 0.05$ per coin level. Of course I am not telling anyone to buy, there is rightfully much mistrust in new altcoins cryptocurrency projects, but accually the ethereum brought what I always dreamed of and bitcoin was missing - decentralized apps and selling computer-power and I missed it, because I was concentrated on other projects. Now that Ethereum is in serious trouble and looks like it may kneel in front of special interest groups (again - miners will eventually decide) I am very much interested in its free alternatives. Anyone that is interested in it or in being part of the project is invited to: ("slack") https://krypton.rocks/ I dont know if there are any other alternatives to Ethereum (if You know of any please let me know) when it comes to smart contracts, I think Krypton is the only one tradable on exchanges so far.
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