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Jakethehuman last won the day on April 3 2017

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    Gold Coast, Australia

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  1. Things don't happen over night, things become cheaper (more automated) as people lose jobs to the point where basic amenities cost next to nothing and feeding the out of work is a non issue. If you hadn't realised we already have a problem with dumb lazy people, why does anyone think that will go away? They just aren't built to work. Anyone with above 100 iq will ALWAYS have some job to do.
  2. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-fire-makes-us-human-72989884/ Cooked plants were just as important, if not more so than meat in early human evolution.
  3. https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/54/10/909/230205/Water-Resources-Agricultural-and-Environmental 1000l for a kilo of cereal grain 43,000l for a kilo of beef.... you are saying stuff with certainty that is the complete opposite of reality, that's dangerous. I'm struggling to understand what the point of the rest of this post is, we need modern farming practices to sustain such a large population? We are talking about health not ethics so I don't see how field mice come into it.
  4. If it is a medical fact can you point me to a medical organisation or study that supports your claims, which btw are so broad to be hardly better than saying "some people are healthier than others" Its funny because this is actually the exact opposite of the truth, its sophistry. Some facts sir. http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/1997/08/us-could-feed-800-million-people-grain-livestock-eat What perennial plants are you talking about, grass? lol http://www.worldwatch.org/node/549 So you saw an article calling phytic acid an anti-nutrient and are now in a position to inform the rest of us muggles how dangerous it is. Well first off it has been shown to help in suppressing colon cancer: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8383315 Secondly you failed to mention that phytic acids' effect on mineral absorption is on a per meal basis! hence the need for a balanced diet.
  5. I don't know enough about what you've said to respond to most of it. However I thought changes in hair and eye colour was a result of climate and selection pressures?
  6. Yeah I agree, this is something that came completely out of left field for me and lots of others too perhaps. Once all the unpc crew figures out where all this shit started the game changes, and hopefully with the internet we don't forget this time.
  7. That makes sense. The problems we are having would basically disappear if whites decided to stop feeling guilty and treat themselves and other whites with respect. I think the problem that I see is achieving such a 360 degree shift peacefully in collective white consciousness is basically impossible. We didn't get here by accident and you don't change the future without understanding the past, people will be angry when they realise what has been done.
  8. What do you think about the idea that unless and until every race/tribe is genuinely committed to marrying outside the ethnic group, whites should stay committed within their ethnic group? Just trying to figure out what a commitment to white tribalism looks like.
  9. Anyone read or heard of Kevin MacDonald? In a society where whites are being systematically targeted by civil groups, government and the media it doesn't make sense to ignore any relevant information when planning a counter-attack. The only reason cartels don't really work in a capitalist system is because each individual is too committed to profit and self-interest, however if they were to be convinced that self-interest was synonymous with group interest, they would dominate. The same is true for tribalism in an individualist society. Stefan has mentioned before the critical lack of tribalism among white westerners. I would suggest that, just like Trump is necessary to combat the contemporary crazy, white tribalism is required to keep a truly individualistic society possible in the long run. I know it sounds contradictory but I think some form of tribalism and moral universality is compatible.
  10. I have not been able to locate the study I read, I'll find it later and edit in, but the conclusion was that caffeine stiffens the arteries which increases heart rate because the CV system isn't working how it was designed to ie vasodilating. This is a short term effect and your blood vessels return to normal within a few hours, however over extended periods of time your arterial walls will stiffen leading to increased blood pressure even without coffee, a big concern for elderly people.
  11. Hahahahahahahaahahahaa
  12. Yes I suppose in a sense consciousness is a property of the universe, I think it depends on how you want to qualify and define things though. However we all know that gold does not exist outside of the specific chemical composition of 79Au, it's like Plato's theory of forms, there is no consciousness in the universe outside of a functioning human brain (bar the caveats you enumerated above), that we know of. If there is then we will one day be able to detect it. Same as the human radio receiver, I have no problems entertaining this idea but there's kinda no null hypothesis, because if it is not there to find we will never be able to invent something capable of detecting it (duh) so people who believe this will always have somewhere to hide. That's why I'm a bit dismissive, I just think it's silly and if someone thinks it's possible great for them but what a waste of life to try find something that isn't there
  13. You put a lot of effort into that reply I appreciate that, however I don't think the subject deserves it. It is all unknowns, the soul, the universe, infinity etc. Sure matter is never destroyed just changed this doesn't mean it carries on in some conscious form, why can't the mind or "soul" be changed into a different form that has no access to consciousness? These loons are begging the question and wasting their lives, in this particular case his considerable talent. Who knows maybe he finds god or the theory of everything, that would be cool!
  14. It's being passive aggressive. Anti-vaxers can't be very intellectually honest, because they are anti-vaxers...
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