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  1. Thanks for all the responses. I'm getting a clearer view now. But I'm still confused about how we get from here to there. I can see that it might be possible to change the opinions and behaviours of individuals, families and small communities, but I'm not convinced that this grass roots progress would necessarily translate to nationalistic and global powers relinquishing their ability to exercise control over and wage war on their own citizens and other states.
  2. I'm new here and have been watching Stefan's videos with interest. There seems to be a lot of information about what doesn't work (e.g. socialism) and why, but I'm keen to learn what the alternative ideal future scenario would look, not just in general terms, but specifics. Can anyone point me to definitive, comprehensive resources that detail solutions for the multitude of problems we face? I watched Stefan's recent video "What's Wrong With Socialism?" and it made sense on many levels, but I'm still struggling to see what the alternative might look like. For example, if there was no social safety net at all, are we just relying on the goodness of individuals and charities to look after those who, for whatever reason, can't look after themselves i.e. the severely disabled or mentally ill etc through no fault of their own? Taking it one step further, what about the minority of people that Stefan specifically refers to who currently can but won't look after themselves / live off the system, have no incentive, ambition or drive to work, waste their social security money on cigarettes, alcohol and gambling etc? Without a safety net, yes some of these people would undoubtedly be forced into being more responsible but others would turn to crime, placing more of a burden on the rest of society (i.e. it doesn't just effect them). Is it cheaper to provide a living wage or spend more on security and policing, or does neither option fit into the "ideal"? On policing and security I'm also confused about what that might look like in an ideal libertarian / anarchistic future? Are we to maintain national and global defence and police forces or local, decentralised, self organising community and/or corporate security forces? Won't the latter just result in a dystopian future with roving bands of local gangs and militia? In a related point, short of global revolution or catastrophe (wiping the slate clean), how do we get from where we are now to this ideal future when there's some very powerful, well-funded and well-armed government and quasi-government forces intent on maintaining the status quo? I'm confused and would like some clarity on what an "ideal" future would look like rather than a critique of what's wrong with the current systems. Thanks in advance.
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