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Olof J.

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  • Interests
    - To get more wise.
    - Trading, Speculation and Investing
    - Agriculture and Forestry
    - Hikes in nature
  • Occupation
    Self Employed Entrpreneur

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks Ruben The film gave me some new ideas how to proced on to new paths. Maybe some cows, and red house on the countryside will do more good than go allot to a therapist, with not so good results
  2. Last year I decided to do something about my problems I have from my childhood and from the school years. I know it's problems that holds me back from reaching higher potetinals and goals in life. Things strated to happen positive on the emotinal plane as well, so I thought It might be try to sort things out. So when I heard Stefan talking his self warm, about psycoterapi. I decided to try it out. So I started to look up so called 'free market' practioners in that filed of practis. ...and that ended that someone where willingly to see me, in person. I reacted positivly after first treatment. So I really felt and understood that it was worth to continue. After that I try to concact this person sevral time and tried to book a new time, but in vain. Finnaly I ended up with an older woman, after trying to find some else. I started to go there three times. Then she also told me that I needed to take some antideressive like Zoloft and Prosac. I have allready had a very bad adventure with such struff in my early twentys. So I tried to argument the dangers and that is what not a good Idea, on every level possible, every time. But when she used the same sales agrument that I have heard from medical doctors in the past and now all of the Psycoterapist I visited it strock me that is was some type of sales racket. The same prases was used like... 'Anti depressives are harmless, we even used them sussesfully on school children' She also told me that I was not welcommed before taking drugs, and sign in to the ordinary Swedish healtcare system. So know I have given up that track. It's pontless to pay, to here bad sales arguments about half of the time. I know the health care system is rigged, and not in my favour. It's desiged to reduse care cost, not on getting good treatment. One more thing I discoverd during this long process was that approximatly 40% of the pyscoterapist have quit there professions the last years. A very strange phenomena in deed, but I think it has to something about a new political healtcare reforms that probaly has passed. So my questions and think goes like this, now. Maybe I shall seek healtcare in another country ? ...and maybe someone here on this forum can recommend a good free practsing pyscoterapist... or other good related practisioners ? I live in the shouther part of Sweden. I have also some Idea of maybe taking some heath vacaion, somewhere nice, and visit good healtcare professionals there ? What do guys and gals think about that ? To crasy ? or is it quit common these days ? Thank you for your time to read this not so good english. Happy Eastern, everyone.
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